uneven hips scoliosis, how to fix uneven hips from scoliosis?

How To Fix Uneven Hips From Scoliosis?

The hip bone is part of your pelvis. When your hips aren’t level, one thigh is higher than the other, which means your pelvis is tilted. This is also known as lateral pelvic tilt, and there are only a few causes for this, including scoliosis. In this article, we will discuss how to fix uneven hips scoliosis?

What are the main causes of uneven hips?

  • Scoliosis, which can be mild to severe and change over time
  • Differences in leg length caused by posture and posture, which are functional rather than physical
  • Physical or structural differences in leg length

How to fix uneven hips scoliosis?

  • A back X-ray is usually done every 3 to 6 months after a child has a slight curvature of the spine. If the curve does not deteriorate, it is not processed.
  • A doctor may recommend a back bracelet to children over 10 years old while their bones are still growing. It will not correct the curvature of the spine, but it will stop its progression. It is usually worn both day and night unless it interferes with participation in sports and other activities.
  • In severe or rapidly worsening scoliosis, a doctor may recommend spinal fusion surgery using a rod or artificial bone to stop the progression of the curvature.

Uneven hips and scoliosis

  • Scoliosis is not caused by heavy loads or poor posture at school.
  • If a child has been diagnosed with scoliosis and appears to be getting worse, back or back surgery can help prevent the condition from progressing.
  • In scoliosis, the spine usually begins to leak before puberty, when children have growth exudates. This can be a challenging time in life due to all the physical and hormonal changes that are taking place.
  • Children with scoliosis at that age may feel angry, uncomfortable, insecure or self-conscious about their appearance, or have to wear bracelets.
  • It is important for children to talk about their negative feelings and to have someone to trust.
  • Finding a support group for a child with scoliosis allows them to meet others who are going through it. It also gives them a place to talk about their feelings and discover how others deal with them.
  • It is important to go to a pediatric physiotherapist to design a program to restore the spine to normal if it does not require surgery.

Causes of uneven hips

In this case, the spine has an “S” or “C” side curve and the vertebrae are slightly rotated. This is the most common cause of uneven hips.

Scoliosis can be caused by the improper shape of the spine before birth, and the cause is usually unknown. They can also have neuro-muscular causes, such as:

  • Muscle atrophy
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Spina bifida
  • Marfan syndrome

Scoliosis affects girls more than boys and can run in families. When the bone stops growing, the curvature usually stops progressing. The curve is more likely to deteriorate when: The curve is ‘S’ shaped, not ‘C’. The curve is located in the middle of the spine, not at the top or bottom.

Pelvic Mechanism and Scoliosis

before we ask the question “how to fix uneven hips scoliosis?”, we should know the relation between pelvis and thoracic spine.

  • The pelvis dysfunction is often associated with scoliosis of the thoracic spine.
  • Pelvic rotation is the first compensation for scoliosis of the thoracic spine
  • The pelvic rotation is always opposite to the thoracic rotation.

Leg deformity of concavity side:

  • Shortened
  • External rotated
  • Excessive hip hiking = Swing phase
  • Soft tissue shortening between ribs and iliac crest so it makes back pain.

Leg deformity of convexity side:

  • Dropped = Stance phase
  • lengthened
  • Internal rotation or knee flexion
  • Soft tissue stretch pain

5 exercises to fix uneven hips scoliosis

Stretching exercises to relax and lengthen muscles are used to correct functional differences in leg length. They also help improve back pain and other symptoms.

The main muscle that is stretched is called the quadratus lumborum. This muscle connects the pelvis and spine.

Any stretch that increases the distance between the hips and shoulders at the higher hips is good. Here are five types of dentures that can help you.

Stretch 90/90

  • If your right side is tight, sit on the floor with your right leg bent at a 90-degree angle in front of you, with your knee and ankle on the floor. Use the hook to straighten the knee.
  • The left leg should be extended to the left with the knee bent at a 90-degree angle. This can be awkward.
  • Reach forward with your right hand and push your right hip away from her.

Leg splits that stretch the quadratus lumborum

  • Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched.
  • Extend your right hand and try to touch your left leg. You really don’t have to touch your feet.
  • Then transfer your left hand to your right foot. This expands the verticality of the lumbar spine on both sides.

Children’s reach

  • To get into the child’s pose, land on your hands and knees, then lean on your heels and lift your forehead to the floor to keep your head down.
  • From Child’s Pose, you sit on the ground with your thighs crossed or on your knees, raising one arm and extending it as far forward as possible. Repeat with the other hand.
  • Extend your arms and cross them to the side. This will stretch your lower back and hips on the other side.
  • Hold this pose, inhaling and exhaling as you stretch.

Strengthening weak, flabby muscles, including the quadratus lumborum in the lower hip, can also help. Exercises that help with this include:


uneven hips scoliosis

  • Lie on the floor with your hips and feet together, supporting your forearms on the floor. Straighten or fold the elbows under the shoulders.
  • Squeeze your abdominal muscles and lift your hips so your body forms a straight line.
  • Start by holding this pose for 15 seconds. You can work up to 4 minutes.
  • Repeat on the other side.


uneven hips scoliosis

  • Lie down on the floor.
  • Extend your arms in front of you and your legs behind you.
  • Lift arms and legs about 6 inches off the ground.
  • Squeeze your abdominal muscles and stretch as much as possible. Hold for two to three seconds.
  • Relax your arms and legs to the floor.

After stretch exercises try to do theses exercises:

Hip Hiking Exercises
  • Place the concavity side leg on the step, and dangle the other leg over the edge.
  • While maintaining a high stance, let the hips sag on the concavity side of the foot that is dangling over the step.
  • Muscle contraction causes the leg and hip on the convexity side to rise higher.
  • Keep your cool and let your foot hang below the step once again.
Exercises for the hip abduction:
  • On the convexity side, begin in the side-lying position.
  • Hold on and extend the arm out.
  • Lift the leg with the concavity facing out starting with the feet positioned together.
  • After five seconds, hold the position and gently bring the leg back to the beginning position.

Uneven hips affect everything

Your pelvis connects to your shoulders and top of your spine. It also connects to your feet. Therefore, before fixing uneven hips from scoliosis, you should know the effects of uneven hips can sometimes be seen in the following areas:

  • Uneven shoulders due to scoliosis: Your shoulders may also look uneven, but the side with the lower hip usually has the higher shoulder. However, the side with the elevated hip usually has the lower shoulder.
  • Protruding shovel: Your shoulder blades can be extended to the side with the lower hook.
  • Curved spine (Scoliosis): If the cause of your uneven hips is scoliosis, your spine may appear to be curved in an S or C shape.
  • Differences in leg length: Uneven hips can make legs with higher hips look and feel longer than others, even though they are actually the same length. Having one leg really longer than the other can cause an uneven hips.
  • One side has a prominent ribbed cage: The uneven hips caused by severe scoliosis can bend your ribs so that the rib on the higher side of the hip stretches farther than the other ribs.

The effect of scoliosis on the hips

Symptoms of uneven hips vary, depending on the cause and severity. Early mild scoliosis usually has no symptoms. Symptoms of severe scoliosis and other causes of uneven hips include:

  • Back pain
  • knee pain
  • Psychological problems
  • difficulty walking
  • abnormal gait

Sometimes, appropriately sized clothing can be uncomfortable when the hips are not flat. In addition to looking or walking differently, it can cause people to feel shy, low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression.

Seek Physiotherapist

Your physiotherapist may notice that your hips or your child’s hips are uneven during a routine exam, or you may notice this yourself and ask your physiotherapist. Scoliosis is usually diagnosed during school exams or sports activities.

Your physical therapist will ask about your symptoms and do tests, including checking for scoliosis by looking at your back when you stand and when you bend your arms down at your waist.

He will also evaluate your hips and shoulders to see if they are abnormal. Your doctor may perform other tests to help determine the cause of your uneven hips, including:

  • Judge the way you walk
  • Measure each leg and the difference in length between them
  • X-rays to check for bone irregularities or take multiple measurements of the legs
  • Scanning, a special type of X-ray that can measure leg length with greater accuracy
  • CT scan to look for abnormalities in the bones or tissues of the legs
  • For children who are still developing, the same test used to measure leg length is usually repeated every 6 to 12 months to see if the difference in height changes.


It is important to follow a medical professional over time to fix uneven hips scoliosis. Regular check-ups with your doctor or healthcare provider can help you make a proper diagnosis. Physiotherapist can also help you correct or stop the progression of certain conditions that can cause uneven hips scoliosis.

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