best 17 tips for fighting abdominal fat

Herbal Diet To Burn Belly Fat Naturally And Quickly – Fitoont

There are many herbs and their benefits vary, and among the most prominent advantages is that they contribute to the slimming process and help to lose weight and burn belly fat quickly and naturally, thanks to their primary role in accelerating the metabolism and metabolism in the body, so we will talk today about the herbal diet

There is no doubt that there are many beliefs circulating among people, which stemmed from what is called ancient folk medicine, which depends primarily on the use of various natural plants and herbs, and that these beliefs and the prescriptions they provide help to get rid of excess weight.

In our personal opinion, there is no objection to using herbal diet system, but not as a single treatment for obesity, but rather as an aid to be used with full adherence to a specific diet “diet” + appropriate and regular sports practice.

And that in the event of any side effects of this popular recipes from the herbal diet system, they must be stopped immediately, and then the whole matter should be referred to the specialist doctor.

It must be emphasized that it is wrong to believe that these plants and herbs do not have any side effects because they are natural things.

As it is known that many natural plants or herbal diet have some disadvantages.

And that using it in an improper or excessive way may lead to the emergence of side effects.

If you decide to start the process of burning belly fat with a herbal diet, here are the most popular of these popular recipes:

Drink apple cider vinegar before eating to reduce appetite.

Take a dry thermos with warm water on an empty stomach to remove the feeling of hunger throughout the day.

Eat the so-called Indian tea “flowers” to get rid of constipation and reduce the absorption of fatty substances in the intestine … and other recipes circulating among people.

Simple rules to get rid of belly fat by herbal diet

  1. The herbal diet consists of a group of herbs selected from flowers and natural herbs that are made as a hot or cold drink after boiling them in water.
  2. It reduces appetite and regulates digestion, as well as helps intestinal fullness and a sense of satiety.
  3. As well as regulate the work of secretions of the thyroid gland and stimulate the digestive process.
  4. Removing gases from the intestine and diuresis resulting from the burning of the fatty substance, making the body fit and helping it to reduce weight.
The drink of herbal diet is made from:
  • Sage
  • Coriander
  • Fennel
  • Anise
  • Dill
  • Celery
  • Orchard mint
  • Rhubarb
  • Lupine
  • Chicory
  • Rand
  • Alpha
  • White cottonwood

Drink this drink on a daily basis according to the appetite, taking into account not to eat fats and sugars, follow a specific diet beside herbs, and eat fresh food, fruits, meat and skinless chicken.

With herbal diet, lose your weight by 3 kilograms per month

Without suffering health problems, the experts of herbal remedies at the “Urban Zaki” site offer this magic recipe. As they took into account all precautions for diabetes, blood pressure, liver and rheumatism.

Indian cable dates + Chinese rhubarb roots + fennel and salamaki on the condition that the cable seeds are removed. And then grind these ingredients a medium grind except for the roots of Chinese rhubarb, which must be grinded well until it becomes like a powder.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and keep in an airtight container and place them under the refrigerator so that the weevils do not get into them.

As for taking it, it is as follows:

First week

A teaspoon of ground flour is placed at the bottom of a glass cup. Immediately poured over it boiling water, and the mixture is stirred well.

And sweeten with a spoon of honey and cover for ten minutes. Then drink it immediately after breakfast, then repeat the same dose before bed.

The following week

The same treatment should be repeated in the same quantities, but once after breakfast, another after lunch, and the same after eating dinner.

Noting that:

a slight symptom such as mild diarrhea may occur. If this occurs, reduce the amount until the symptom is gone. The recipe is also useful to lower the cholesterol level in the blood.

The magic recipe to lose 3 kilograms of your weight every month

A 100% Egyptian recipe provided by Dr. kyrillos, Founder and CEO of the “Fitoont” website.

They are natural herbs in which diabetes, pressure, liver and rheumatism are fully taken into account. Using them, you can lose 3 kilograms of weight per month.

A recipe for magic herbs with herbal diet

The recipe consists of the herbs of “Indian” dates, Chinese rhubarb bread, fennel, and salamka, where the seeds of the cable are removed and excluded from the recipe.

How to make the drink:

Grind all ingredients a medium grind, grind the Chinese rhubarb well.  Then mix the ingredients in equal proportions and keep in an airtight container. And place at the bottom of a drawer in the refrigerator and use it for two consecutive weeks.

In the first week

Put a teaspoon in a glass cup and pour it with boiled water, stirring, and sweeten with honey, then drink it immediately after breakfast and repeat it before bed.

In the following week

Eat it once immediately after breakfast and repeat it before bed.

In the third week

Eat it once after breakfast, once after lunch, and once after dinner.

Experiments have shown that there are no side effects of taking the mixture, on the contrary, it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. (Source)


1- First source

2- Second source

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