laser liposuction

Laser Liposuction: The Technique of Dissolving Fat – Fitoont

Laser liposuction is a revolutionary new procedure, which is only available in Las Vegas at Bonus Plastic Surgery. Thanks to the LipoLife 3G laser liposuction machine, liposuction is much more efficient and effective. A 1470 nm wavelength laser treats adipose tissue, heating the deep layers of the skin to high, safe temperatures, which stimulates the intense production of collagen fibers. The procedure itself is more pleasant and the result is more effective.

What makes laser liposuction different from conventional ones?

Many people today are struggling with weight problems. If you are struggling with this as well, and regular exercise and diet are not effective enough to eliminate your excess weight, you should resort to a more drastic solution. In this situation, liposuction can help. But if you’re already opting for liposuction, why not choose the best method? Let’s show you how laser liposuction is different from traditional ones!

Laser liposuction is a revolutionary new method

First, let’s talk a few words about liposuction itself. This is a special procedure that helps get rid of excess adipose tissue. During the procedure, fat is removed through a skin incision using a cannula. This can be done in several areas of the body, the most popular being the neck, abdomen, waist, and thigh areas. Although liposuction is a routine operation, it still carries some risk, which is why it is recommended to wear a compression garment for 4-5 weeks.

Benefits of laser liposuction

Laser liposuction has several advantages over the traditional method, let’s see what these are!

  • Recovery time can be reduced to up to 10 days compared to the previous 4-5 weeks.
  • It is much gentler than the previous procedure, with less pain.
  • Potential risks are also reduced with laser liposuction.
  • Swelling and bruising are rare.
  • Laser liposuction improves skin elasticity, tightens it.
  • It is harder to regain fat after laser liposuction, making it easier to maintain your new weight.
  • Laser-removed adipose tissue can be effectively replanted, for example, into wrinkles.

Risks Of Laser Liposuction

If you are considering liposuction by removing excess fat, this is the key market speculation that laser liposuction is completely painless, safe and no risk of no breathing, and will be completed within a very short time. A little research, you should explain that these claims are not entirely true, which is why a potential risk for you, could be laser liposuction, and the need to continue.

If you feel that local anesthesia, excess fat loss as well as laser liposuction and skin tightening make your life as simple as nothing has changed, you need to think again.

Do not deny the fact that it is absolutely necessary, you can study and know your options afterwards, liposuction surgery and laser liposuction have all the potential risks associated with it. This means that a comprehensive study of plastic surgeons in your area. Check your qualifications, if possible, with other patients.

  • You will know that skin burns occur, the pain is likely from the laser heat treatment. However, this is a relatively small risk and it should not be, if you choose a well-qualified surgeon.
  • Skin damage and possible loss of a layer of skin may be close to many offensive threats. However, this risk is through the use of reliable laser liposuction.
  • Laser liposuction Other potential risks include infection, bleeding or both, risks associated with anesthesia, deformation of the contour and the development of loose skin. However, the most serious risk is that laser liposuction doctors who lack training in using this technique are not assigned the required skills.

Rapid weight loss is usually the choice of driver laser liposuction surgery. The latest fat removal program and the use of laser as a workaround It is not a bad idea, it can represent some of its unique advantages. However, it is important to remember that the effect of laser-assisted liposuction will only be temporary, if you do not change the lifestyle.

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Laser Liposuction Cost

Although there are a number of benefits to choosing laser liposuction, you will find that the cost is one of the most noteworthy advantages. Even though laser liposuction procedures tend to be significantly less expensive than traditional liposuction, the overall cost does vary depending on a number of factors. One of the things that can affect how much you pay for your laser liposuction is the doctor who performs the procedure as well as the area you are in. The cost of laser liposuction ranges from around $1,500 to $15,000 depending on where you go and which part of your body you have work done on.

Range of Laser Liposuction Costs

You will be able to refer to the tables below for the average prices of laser liposuction when it comes to the surgeon’s fees alone. It is important to keep in mind that these fees do vary depending on the surgeon and so you will want to factor that into your decision as to where you should go for such a procedure. A lot of surgeons charge a flat rate for each individual area of the body and sometimes even offer reduced rates for additional areas.

With table 1 you will be able to see the individual costs for various areas of the body. Table 2 gives you the cost per area. Although these numbers reflect the average cost for such work, they may not be precise depending on where you go to get your work done.

Laser Lipo Cost Ranges by Specific Body Area 

Abdomen, Upper:
  • Average Cost: $4,500
  • Lower Fees: $3,000
  • Higher Fees: $10,000
Abdomen, Lower:
  • Average Cost: $3,500
  • Lower Fees: $2,000
  • Higher Fees: $9,000
Back, Female:
  • Average Cost: $2,500
  • Lower Fees: $2,000
  • Higher Fees: $7,000
Back, Male:
  • Average Cost: $3,000
  • Lower Fees: $2,000
  • Higher Fees: $8,000
  • Average Cost: $3,000
  • Lower Fees: $2,000
  • Higher Fees: $7,000
Chin, Face, Jowls, or Neck:
  • Average Cost: $2,500
  • Lower Fees: $1,500
  • Higher Fees: $6,000
  • Average Cost: $2,500
  • Lower Fees: $1,500
  • Higher Fees: $6,000
Male Breast:
  • Average Cost: $5,000
  • Lower Fees: $3,500
  • Higher Fees: $10,000
  • Average Cost: $4,000
  • Lower Fees: $2,500
  • Higher Fees: $7,000
  • Average Cost: $2,500
  • Lower Fees: $1,500
  • Higher Fees: $6,000

Laser Lipo Cost Ranges by Number of Body Areas 

First Area:
  • Average Cost: $4,000
  • Lower Fees: $2,500
  • Higher Fees: $6,000
Additional Areas (each):
  • Average Cost: $2,000
  • Lower Fees: $1,200
  • Higher Fees: $3,000

Make certain that you get the exact rates for different parts of the body from the doctor you want to do the procedure which you have in mind. There are of course other expenses associated with getting this kind of work done, such as compression garments, anesthesia, and facility usage. You will want to also take the time to look over some of the different policies before you decide on anything for sure.

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Laser Liposuction Cost

  • You will find that the overall cost of laser liposuction will vary depending on the patient and the doctor who is performing the actual procedure. There are numerous techniques which can be used for laser liposuction and each comes with their own pros/cons. It is important to find a surgeon who has plenty of experience doing this type of work so you will know that you can trust them to do a good job.
  • There are also certain facility costs as well as other expenses associated with laser liposuction, so you will definitely want to look into those as well. You should also find out how much the anesthesia, which is going to be used will cost, as this is a fairly significant expense to consider. Sometimes blood work is also required before the actual procedure is performed, so you will have to keep that in mind as well. The best thing you can do is to get a consultation to see how much everything will cost. Most of the time anesthesia alone costs anywhere between $500 to $1,000 depending on the procedure which is being performed. When you speak with your surgeon, you will be able to get a much better idea of how much everything will cost you.
  • There are quite a few surgeons who specialize in laser liposuction and actually have their own clinics which you will be able to visit for the procedure itself. You will want to keep in mind that whether or not you go to a private clinic will ultimately determine how much you will pay, at least in part. If you are going to have more than one procedure performed at a time, the fees will most likely be greater.
  • Those who are considered to be good candidates for this type of work are highly encouraged to combine procedures so as to avoid multiple trips and a longer overall recovery period. It is also recommended because the cost of anesthesia will be significantly less when everything is done all at once.

Laser Liposuction Consultation Cost

  • Most laser liposuction surgeons offer free consultations. In the initial consultation the laser liposuction surgeon will examine you and give you an estimate cost of the laser liposuction surgery. Then he or she will ask for blood work and any additional test needed to know if you are a good candidate for laser liposuction surgery. Some surgeons may include these costs in the total cost of the surgery or may give you the option to choose a lab of your preference. In any case; you should only need to pay for the cost of the laser liposuction surgery once your surgeon is sure that you are a good candidate for the surgery.

Payments & Financing

  • One of the great things about getting this type of cosmetic surgery done is the fact that you will most likely be able to get on some sort of a payment plan, depending on where you go. While it is true that not all surgeons offer financing and payment plans, a lot of them do. You will need to look into what your financial options are so you will be able to get the work you need done without having to pay too much for it. You should start by talking with someone who specializes in this type of work so you can get some idea of what your payment options will be for this type of procedure.

Time Extent of the Laser Liposuction Surgery

  • The time it takes to complete one of these procedures will depend almost entirely on the patient. This is just one thing to consider when you are trying to determine how much it will cost. The more time it takes to complete the work you are having done, the more you will pay. If you are having multiple procedures done at one time, it will obviously take longer and the expenses will increase. If there are any complications during the procedure, it will most likely take longer than normal. With the help of sophisticated laser technology, though, these kinds of procedures usually go by fairly quick.

Laser Liposuction Surgeon Experience and Training

  • It will be crucial to make certain that you choose a laser liposuction surgeon that is very experienced and will be able to give you the best possible results. You should make certain that the surgeon you pay to do this kind of work specializes in laser liposuction, because otherwise you are just taking your chances. Before you make a final decision on a certain surgeon, you will definitely want to do the necessary research.
  • The better the surgeon the more they will cost, so you will need to consider that when looking for one. Even though you may have to pay more for a surgeon whose skills are outstanding, in the end you will most likely find that it is well worth it. When you choose the very best surgeon to do the kind of work you want done on your body, you will get results that will leave you completely satisfied.

Although complete satisfaction cannot be guaranteed, you will be able to greatly increase your chances of getting the kind of results you want by choosing the right surgeon. Take all the time you need to consider your options. Until you find the option that you think is qualified to do this type of work.

Overall about laser liposuction

In summary, while traditional liposuction is also a good alternative for those who can’t naturally get rid of their excess fat pads, the revolutionary laser method is even more effective.

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