Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan

Long Term Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan For 20 Days – Fitoont

In this article, I will explain to you post Bariatric surgery meal plan to face the phase following the operation. And, as serenely as possible and without disturbances. In fact, a correct diet with the necessary precautions and a healthy lifestyle are excellent allies after a Bariatric operation for the treatment of obesity.

Over the past 20 years we have witnessed an ever wider spread of Bariatric surgery. At this time, it is the best treatment option for patients with a BMI greater than 40 or 35, and those with multiple diseases. Where lifestyle changes and drug treatments do not produce effective and meaningful results.

The surgical techniques used are different: adjustable gastric band, vertical Gastroplasty, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, mini gastric bypass.

Each of these techniques has significant differences. But in general the post-operative diet is similar. We will see what it is appropriate to eat in the weeks following a Bariatric surgery. We will analyze the feeding after the sleeve and after gastric bypass / mini gastric bypass. But remember that they are valid for most Bariatric procedures. As regards the post Bariatric surgery meal plan, it will be up to the specialist doctor or physiotherapist and nutritionist (Kyrillos) to provide the necessary information.

Gastric bypass / mini gastric bypass diet: how to feed after surgery

Let’s now see which diet to follow after gastric bypass surgery and more generally after Bariatric surgery.

But what do you eat after Bariatric surgery?

It is of fundamental importance to teach the patient how to choose the food and what consistency it should have. The guidelines recommend a gradual transition from liquid to pureed and finally solid foods.

This allows to minimize episodes of vomiting and not create damage to the operated area. And allowing a progressive adaptation of the patient to a restricted size of the stomach and to different eating habits.

In the post-operation phase, it is therefore very important to strictly follow the instructions given by the doctors. But, if in doubt, consult the medical team.

In particular, a liquid diet is recommended for the first two days after surgery:

Water, decaffeinated tea, chamomile, barley coffee.

From the third day on, it is possible to introduce homogenized meat and fish, micron pasta, fruit smoothies, centrifuged with vegetables, low-fat yogurt without pieces of fruit, loose dry biscuits, skimmed milk and dietary supplements. This semi- liquid diet will need to be followed for about a month.

We can have a mid-morning snack with fruit purees, sugar-free juices or cooked fruit without peel and seeds.

Meals may include pasta, semolina with a little well-mixed Parmesan, vegetable puree, mashed potatoes, cream of rice and soft cheeses such as ricotta or stracchino.

It is advisable not to drink during meals and for the following hour in order not to quickly fill the gastric pouch.

The semi-solid diet must always be introduced gradually: rusks, juices, small pasta, rice, oil for seasoning, eggs, thinly sliced ​​lean meats, boiled fish, legumes.

More solid foods such as fruit, bread, crackers will gradually be introduced . The recommendation is to cut the food into small pieces and chew carefully. Always ask your doctor first to be sure you can consume certain foods.

Together with your nutritionist you can then establish an individual meal plan which generally includes 30% lipids, 45% carbohydrates, 25% proteins.
In these post-surgery phases, it is advisable to always ingest food and drinks at a lukewarm temperature so as not to inflame the stomach.

When a Bariatric operation is to be performed, it is important to instruct the patient under gastric bypass surgery or other things in advance about the post Bariatric surgery meal plan to follow.

Diet after sleeve: what diet to follow

The feeding after a sleeve gastrectomy surgery is basically the one to follow for the other Bariatric operations. Such as that of gastric bypass mentioned above. You will start with a liquid diet after the Bariatric surgery. And then after a few weeks of liquid and semi-liquid diet, you will be able to gradually integrate solid foods.

Many wonder what not to eat after the sleeve:

Avoid fizzy drinks, alcohol, and sugary drinks. Initially, exclude solid foods that will slowly be introduced. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest and prefer a lighter cooking method.

The solid diet after the sleeve must be introduced gradually and strictly following the instructions of your doctor and nutritionist.

Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan

First phase: Liquid diet with the following foods to be distributed throughout the day: semi-skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt, fruit juice, meat or vegetable broth, baby food, vegetable puree.

Second phase: Soft diet: low-fat yogurt and rusks for breakfast. Lunch with pasta or rice, minced white meat or minced fish, boiled potatoes. Dinner with fresh ricotta, an egg, grated fruit

Third phase: Solid diet: every food can be gradually integrated in moderation.

  • Each meal should last around 20-30 minutes, so eat slowly.
  • The daily meals can be from 3 to 6 in order not to leave the stomach empty for a long time.

But how many kg are lost immediately after Bariatric surgery?

In general, after one year from the operation, the weight loss ranges from 50% to 70% of the weight that must be lost overall.

There are many post Bariatric surgery meal plan for Bariatric patients that can be indicated by the nutritionist who will also recommend the use of specific food supplements necessary to make up for the lack of some elements during the early stages.

11 Post Bariatric Diet Behavioral Indications

Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan
Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan

We list 11 simple rules of behavior to follow after a Baritatric surgery in addition to the meal plan after surgery.

  1. Chew food prepared in small pieces well;
  2. Eating slowly, stopping when you have a full stomach;
  3. Do not drink during meals and wait about an hour after the meal;
  4. Do not go to bed immediately after eating;
  5. Divide the meals into 3 main and 2 snacks;
  6. Avoid fatty and processed dressings;
  7. Limit exciting, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  8. Eat food at moderate temperatures;
  9. Initially exclude foods that are difficult to digest;
  10. Supplement the diet with multivitamins;
  11. Practice adequate physical activity.

Many wonder if you can gain weight after the sleeve or other Bariatric procedures and in this regard it is important to emphasize that the diet was designed to achieve significant weight loss. So, by changing the wrong eating habits and following these simple behavioral guidelines, excellent results can be achieved.

Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan: Who To Contact

The post Bariatric surgery meal plan is essential for achieving the desired result and cannot be improvised or do-it-yourself or received by a nutritionist who does not have the clinical picture of your surgery and your complete health.

By contacting Dr. Kyrillos, who works at the FItoont in Egypt, you have the guarantee that comes from being followed by an excellent Surgeon who works in a team with a Nutritionist, perfectly able to accompany you from the pre post-operative and from a physical and emotional point of view.

The Light Liquid Diet

FROM 2nd TO 5th DAY Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan

liquid diet post bariatric surgery
liquid diet post bariatric surgery
Breakfast: Foods Quantity and method of preparation
  • Sugar (granulated or cane) or honey or fructose 1 teaspoon (5 grams)
  • Semi-skimmed milk (or plant-based milk such as soy or rice or almond) or low-fat yogurt or fruit juice 1 glass of
  • water (200 ml)
Snack: Foods Amount

Fruit juice Or Sweet tea Or Bariatric meal 2 scoops A glass of water (200 ml)

Lunch: Foods Amount
  • Rice cream 15 grams Cooked in 150 ml of water and seasoned with a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil
  • Or Bariatric meal 4 scoops In 350 ml of water or semi-skimmed milk or soy milk
Snack: Foods amount

Fruit juice Or Sweet tea Or Bariatric meal 2 scoops A glass of water (200 ml)

Dinner: Foods Amount
  • Rice cream 15 grams Cooked in 150 ml of water and seasoned with a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil
  • Or Bariatric meal 4 scoops In 350 ml of water or semi-skimmed milk or soy milk

Semi Liquid Diet

FROM 6th TO 20th DAY Post Bariatric Surgery Meal Plan

liquid diet post bariatric surgery
liquid diet post bariatric surgery
Breakfast: Foods Amount
  • Sugar (granulated or cane) Or Honey Or Fructose 1 teaspoon (5 grams)
  • Baby biscuits to be dissolved in milk or vegetable substitutes 4 biscuits (40 grams)
  • Semi-skimmed milk (or vegetable milk such as soy or rice or almond) Or Low-fat yogurt Or Fruit juice or fruit mousse 1 tea cup (250 ml)
Snack: Foods Amount
  • Bariatric Meal 2 scoops Or Low-fat yogurt Or Milk or vegetable substitutes e.g. Soy or almonds A glass of water (200 ml)

Lunch: Foods Amount

  • First course: Rice cream 25 grams Or Corn and tapioca cream 25 grams Or Semolina 25 grams Cooked in 150 grams of water and seasoned with a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil
  • Second course: Bariatric meal 4 scoops Or Lean minced meat 50 grams Or Egg (1) Or Goat or cow ricotta 50 grams Or Ground fish 50 grams In 350 ml of water or semi-skimmed milk or soy milk Diluted in meat or vegetable broth Diluted in fish or vegetable broth
Snack: Foods Amount
  • Bariatric Meal 2 scoops Or Low-fat yogurt Or Milk or vegetable substitutes A glass of water (200 ml)
Dinner: Foods Amount
  • First course Rice cream 25 grams Or corn and tapioca cream 25 grams Or semolina 25 grams Cooked in 150 grams of water and seasoned with a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil
  • Second course Bariatric meal 4 scoops Or Lean minced meat 50 grams Or Egg (1) Or Goat or cow ricotta 50 grams Or Ground fish 50 grams In 350ml of water or semi-skimmed milk or soy milk Diluted in meat broth or vegetable broth Diluted in fish broth or vegetable broth
It can be consumed if you do not feel like eating too much, after the main meals
  • Mashed beans
  • Fruit jelly
  • Mashed vegetables
  • Mashed fruit.


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