this is the special breastfeeding diet - fitoont

This Is The Special Breastfeeding Diet – Fitoont

You already know that breast milk is the best food for your baby, so we asked a dietitian what to eat while breastfeeding and what is the best breastfeeding diet?

Can I diet while breastfeeding? (Source)

Trying to lose a lot of weight while breastfeeding is not a good idea. You want to make sure you are getting all the nutrients that you and your baby need.

The fat that you gain during pregnancy is used to produce breast milk, so breastfeeding will help you lose the weight that you have gained.

If you notice your weight fluctuation (gain or loss) greater than about 1 kg per week, ask yourself if you are following a balanced and healthy diet, adjust it if necessary, and consult a healthcare professional.

Therefore, we will explain to you a healthy food program that will help you lose weight in a healthy and not harmful way for a pregnant woman.

Diet Plan

Time to wake up:
  • A cup of fenugreek with skimmed milk
Half an hour before breakfast:
  • Seasonal fruit
Breakfast time:
  • A boiled egg or a piece of cottage cheese or 4 tablespoons of beans
  • A quarter of a loaf
  • A cup of lentil soup
  • Green salad
  • 2 pieces of grilled or boiled meat or 150 grams of grilled liver or grilled fish or a quarter of a chicken
  • Sautéed vegetables
  • A quarter loaf or 4 tablespoons of rice
In the afternoon: 
  • A cup of municipal mint syrup
  • One teaspoon of sugar
  • A cup of skimmed milk or a boiled egg
  • A quarter of a loaf
Before going to sleep: 
  • A cup of fennel syrup (with plenty of water before eating, with eating fruits during hunger)

It is possible to rotate breastfeeding diet for the length of the breastfeeding period, to the extent that you reach the desired weight. (Source)

It is also possible to choose a rest day in which you eat everything every ten days, but the most important thing is that you do not lose complete adherence to the diet during the breastfeeding period and take one day and rest every ten days.

You should follow up with the doctor after the first ten days, to know how much weight you lost

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