Ehlers Danlos Syndrome | Physical Therapy – Fitoont

Ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS is a group of congenital diseases that belong in a larger group known as hereditary disorders of connective tissue. Such connective tissues are present to provide support in tendons, skin, internal organs, blood vessels, ligaments and bones.

In this article you will learn about the physical therapy (PT) for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS, management and home remedies for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS.

Physical Therapy (PT) for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS

Currently, physical therapy (PT) administration of affected individuals identified with Ehlers Danlos syndrome or EDS focuses on a compensatory/avoidance approach to deal with the presence of precise signs and syndromes of the condition that are deliberately different to each affected patient. Unfortunately, no procedure of physical therapy involvement exists to tackle the disabilities and useful limitations associated with ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS, mainly due to the varied appearance of the condition for each patient.

Each physical therapy plan of concern for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS must be created specially for the affected individual depending on the subcategory of ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS plus the indications and syndromes of that individual.

In general, physical therapy intervention for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS focuses on escalating joint stability through a low-resistance, high-repetition resistance exercise program, avoiding extreme loading by weight-bearing joints, avoiding unnecessary use of involved joints for heavy lifting, adaptive tools to ADLs to achieve without bending of syndrome, and pain relief.

Physical therapy-resistance training for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • Low resistance and high repetition activities are good for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS.
  • Aim is to improve static and energetic muscle tone to support increased joint stability during weight bearing and practical activities
  • Prevention of continued joint dislocations/subluxations due to increased muscle tone to counteract the presence of excessive joint, ligament, tendon and muscle laxity

Physical therapy – aerobic training for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • Walking, swimming, cycling are good for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS
  • Water aerobics or Low Impact Aerobics
  • ROM (Range of Movement) exercises
  • Aim is to encourage increased static and active muscle tone to stop acute joint dislocations from minor stimulus or trauma
  • Can serve as pain relief method for individuals who practice constant muscle and joint pain related to ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS.

Physical Therapy – Myofascial Release Techniques for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Pain relief (immediate – several hours)
  • Allows pain-free engagement in combat training or daily activities
  • The aim is to reduce the occurrence of muscle contraction that leads to severe pain in joints, tendons, muscles and surrounding ligaments.

Other modalities for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • Massage is good for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS.
  • Hot/cold pack
  • Ultrasound
  • Acupuncture
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Acupressure
  • The goal is to provide pain relief to the affected individual, who may or may not experience constant muscle and joint pain due to common joint dislocations/subluxations, myofascial spasms, and trigger points associated with EDS.
  • The choice of correct modality is dependent on individual preference

Coping Tips and Home Remedies for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS

Managing energy and speeding up activity for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

When maintenance of energy, application of joint problems and joint problems are essential, the subsequent guidelines should be helpful.

Advance planning for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS

  • Use your joints carefully and take care of them
  • Always keep some strength in reserve to avoid overexertion
  • Prioritize the activities that need to be done
  • Consider how to perform the task or whether someone else can perform the task for you.
  • Spread heavy and simple tasks throughout the week
  • Exchange vigorous tasks with the tasks that can be performed while sitting
  • Break the heavy tasks into lighter components

General tips for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • Be flexible
  • Sit down to perform tasks whenever possible, many activates can be performed just as well sitting down
  • Stop working when you feel exhausted
  • Avoid lifting heavy items
  • Do not repeatedly bend and stretch
  • Reorganize kitchen equipment, keep frequently used items on hand
  • The use of energy saving equipment should be considered

Joint care for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • Use your joints very carefully
  • Do not engage in any inappropriate actions for you
  • Avoid constant gripping or holding joints in a single position
  • Realize that you cannot work with pain and swelling
  • Avoid stress on individual joints
  • Don’t get busy with long-term tasks that burden you beyond your capabilities
  • Only start a job knowing that you can end it if necessary
  • Take enough rest
  • Wear agreed splints and braces
  • Use recommended equipment
  • Always keep some energy for an emergency
  • Speed ​​up your tasks, exercise and rest.

Exercise and Rest for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS

Maintain a balance between exercise and rest if you are a victim of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS.

Rest for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • Helps muscles regain their energy. Relax somewhat on a mattress than on a couch
  • The amount of rest required varies from individual to individual.
  • Maintain a correct position while relaxing.

Exercise for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Helps to maintain the strength of muscles. Keep in mind to exercise within your regular routine.
  • Avoid impulsive muscle movements that can put a strain on your major joints
  • Do not exhaust muscles too much and train different groups of muscles.

Posture for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

Always try to maintain good posture by evenly distributing weight.

Standing posture for ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS:

  • The spine should be straight, shoulders should be relaxed.
  • Stand with the two feet by binding the weight uniformly
  • Use supportive and comfortable shoes
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time.

Posture tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Avoid low soft chairs or bean bags
  • Make sure you have a good headrest, armrests and better support for the back.
  • Good supportive and comfortable padding
  • While sitting and working – use appropriate and adjustable furniture.

Tips for lying down for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Height of the bed should be decent – keep away from tension while getting in and out of bed.
  • Use hard mattress with fine structure
  • Use flat pillows

Personal Care Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS

Bath Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • If possible, sit while showering.
  • Use bathing boards and seats to help yourself. Various types of inflatable bath seats that can help you lie down completely during the bath.
  • During the time of drying or washing, sit on a chair or toilet.

Toileting Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

An elevated seat helps reduce stress on joint muscles

Hair Care Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • If possible, maintain a short to medium hairstyle so that it can be easily managed.
  • While you shower, you can wash your hair.

Clothing Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

Try dressing while sitting

Bedroom Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

Make sure you always have sufficient amenities near the bed, such as a flask or bottle of water.

Home Activity Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • If you have stairs, keep a bag near the stairs so that the objects that can be taken up or down can be placed in it and multiple trips up and down can be eliminated.
  • Use a weightless device to clean the carpets instead of a vacuum cleaner.
  • Use a dustpan that has a very long handle so you don’t have to bend unnecessarily.
  • If you need to iron your clothes, make sure you sit on a comfortable stool with appropriate height.

Kitchen Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • The surface of the work should be flat so that you can push and pull the objects instead of lifting them
  • Kettle can be filled with a mug instead of lifting it.
  • The dishes to be washed should be soaked first so you don’t have to apply too much pressure while cleaning them.
  • Use a draining rack to dry the dishes.
  • Cooking plan should be made in advance so that the number of utensils used is reduced.

Shopping Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Make use of the trolleys that have a seat may be useful
  • Request for filler and transport supporter in mall
  • Request if local stores provide delivery services
  • Use email as regular paint

Foot Mobility Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Always wear comfortable shoes
  • Molded insoles can help

Step Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Consider using: a walking frame, crutches or a stick
  • Make sure you are assessed for the most suitable and trained in correct use.

Tips when buying a scooter for the victim of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Make sure about the speed, distance, curb climbing features.
  • Check the padding of the seat, suspension and even look for the choice of seats
  • Will it be able to be separated into pieces to put in a car?
  • Place for an electric power unit for charging.

Tips when purchasing a wheelchair for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS:

  • Make sure it is powered/requires an attendant/self-propelled/pushed
  • Foldable to fit inside the car, if power units are there
  • Correct size
  • Supportive padding
  • Electric power unit for charging purpose
  • Check whether appropriate instructions are given or not.
  • Advice may be available from Disability Living Centres

When purchasing a wheelchair, confidently ask the company to display the wheelchair with you:

Prices and features vary widely; get time to make a decision.

Management Tips for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS

If you are a sufferer of ehlers danlos syndrome or EDS and when you have to drive, consider whether you can get the following amenities from the vehicle you jump in to drive.

  • Transmission that is automatic.
  • Power steering
  • Modifications such as handbrake, steering wheel, enlarged keys etc.
  • Wear splints/support equipment e.g. wrist rests, collar
  • Tell the insurance company and the DVLC about your condition.
  • Get license plates issued under the blue license plate system. This allows you to park next to facilities. These badges are also recognized and valid for use in the European Union and even in some other states of the USA. But before wearing them, you should check whether they are still in use or not

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