ACL repair rehab protocol

Acl Repair Rehab Protocol with a Relatively Cutting-Edge Concept – Fitoont

I would like to share with you an article about ACL repair rehab protocol with a relatively cutting-edge concept.This content is worthy of reference.

These days, there is a lot of discussion about ACL reconstruction and its subsequent repair. We met 3 patients who had been more than a year since surgery and still had pain, poor knee angle, poor strength, and therefore poor mobility.

We have summarized 6 factors that can improve recovery after ACL surgery with the besut ACL repair rehab protocol. These factors apply to most people. Let us explain them one by one.

1 Early Active Exercise Rehabilitation1

In the 15 years of rehabilitating patients with ACL reconstruction surgery, a lot has changed, and several trends have come and gone, but there are some principles that never seem to change. That is exercise is better than rest. Rehabilitation is more effective with early intervention to reduce swelling, reduce pain, increase mobility, and build strength.

ACL repair rehab protocol
ACL repair rehab protocol

Early intervention refers to starting care within 2-3 days of surgery (professional athletes begin to recover on the day of surgery).

The longer the swelling lasts, the weaker the muscles – so recovery will slow down. There is a lot of evidence supporting the importance of preoperative rehabilitation for patients with an ACL rupture to improve ROM (range of motion). Where the intensity of rehabilitation should be increased within a manageable range. Educate patients about the procedure in the first few hours after surgery. Patients need to know that there are some steps in the recovery process after surgery in order to keep the patient as close to the target state as possible before getting back into the game.

2 Recommended ACL Rehabilitation Exercises

As prescribed by a physiotherapist. You should always follow your own rehabilitation program, following ACL repair rehab protocol you should expect for your next ACL repair reports.

The majority of surgery patients will be required to have some type of rehabilitation program focused on their needs, helping them regain range or mobility and the ability to take more weight on the knee. The goal of the initial rehabilitation phase is to achieve full growth and development of the knee joint and then develop balance and strength.

3 High Correlation Between ACL Reconstruction and Early Total Knee Replacement

acl rehabilitation exercises
acl rehabilitation exercises

For some reason, the fact that ACL reconstruction was associated with early total knee replacement was not communicated to the patient. It is often assumed that the surgery itself causes the knee to fail prematurely.

But in fact, it’s not. Human, standing, walking, running, jumping, stair climbing, etc. movements or biomechanical deficiencies are responsible for the accelerated aging of the articular surface and the eventual need for total knee surgery.

It is not enough to improve joint mobility, comprehensive strength and basic exercise ability. More importantly, it is necessary to correct bad exercise habits.

Correcting the wrong way of exercise can ensure that you can avoid the same injury as before when exercising. After all, it is better to do some reliable rehabilitation than to operate the knee again ~ unless you choose not to continue exercising pessimistically.

4 Brace for ACL

The combination of physical therapists and coaches provides a new perspective on the choice of postoperative braces.

There was no significant difference in injury rates between those who were braced and those who were not. In fact, when patients become overly reliant on braces or knee braces, the injury rate actually increases. The brace gives a false sense of stability. The biomechanical mechanisms that stabilize the knee don’t even happen on the knee!

Do we need an external plastic brace to stabilize the knee? In fact, it’s not. Likewise, the focus on movement details, retraining of the core, lumbar spine, hips and ankles is much more reliable.

The knee acts as a shock absorber in the body, and the joints above and below the knee absorb shock.

The brace is to limit the degree of movement, the intensity and speed of the activity. Imagine if the effectiveness of the brace is in doubt, and there are all the above limitations, then why use it?

5 ACL reconstruction is always about sports recovery

Even if you are not an athlete, it is possible to have a normal range of motion, strength, and little swelling and pain after ACL surgery, but this does not mean that the new ACL will be stable and effective for a long time.

The biomechanics of the spine, core strength, hips, and ankles greatly affect the knee joint. Can an imbalance in these muscles cause an ACL tear? The answer is yes, but in the complex human body, every imbalance can be the culprit. Many external-to-internal treatments (such as electricity, ultrasound, ice compress, heat compress, acupuncture, etc.) are methods to relieve certain external problems, but cannot achieve the effect of protecting the ACL. The training method, activates the muscles and makes the movement of the body more effective.

6 Movement-oriented therapist is the key

ACL reconstruction surgery has become quite routine in recent years, and an experienced doctor will choose how to perform the surgery based on your situation, but once the surgery is complete, what is more important is how your knee will continue to move.

If your therapist has not discussed some information with you about core, lumbar spine, hip stability, knee position, and ankle-ground interaction, consider finding a less busy therapist.

Because these factors can reduce the chance of re-injury, prevent re-injury of the entire knee and improve your movement patterns.

ACL repair rehab protocol

We will now discuss the best ACL repair rehab protocol for all patients during the period from week one to week fourteen. The physiotherapist uses this protocol with all cruciate ligament surgery patients, but there are simple differences, we promise that we will address them in another article.

ACL Corrective Exercises for 1-2 weeks

You should meet with your physical therapist for an initial evaluation and to learn how to perform your home exercise regimen. Pay attention to the weight.

  • Gradually wean yourself off and add a tolerant weight.
  • Make several parts (ROM) in the knees from zero to 75 degrees.
  • Work towards achieving full knee extension.
  • Starts straight leg to increase strength Gradually

Begin the passive knee extension exercise:

Sit on a chair and place your heels on a separate chair at equal height.
Ease your leg and allow your knee to straighten.
Relax in this position 1-2 times a day to stretch the hamstrings.

ACL rehab protocol for weeks 2-4.

Within two to four weeks, you’ll continue to increase your ROM, increase quad strength and do easy balance exercises:

  • Increased range of motion (ROM) to 110 degrees.
  • Begin elbow slides.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Repeat ten times.

Initiate a geometric contraction of the quadriceps muscle:

  • Sit on the floor with your injured leg in the ACL and contract the quadriceps in the affected knee in the ACL without moving the leg.
  • (press against the block) Hold for 10 seconds and repeat ten times

Endurance and as directed, begin with a half squat, partial lunge, and calf raise:

Half Square:
  • Hold the stationary table with your hands straight.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Slowly rotate your knees and hips, lower your hips to half full, and lower your hips to a half squat.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and then slowly return to a standing position.
  • Repair ten times

Begin stationary cycling or water exercise (swimming) and balance and proportion movements as directed while directing strength training at altitude.

ACL rehabilitation exercises for 4-6 weeks

  • Over the next two weeks, you’ll progress your ROM and balance while gaining some strength.
  • Continue to improve the ROM as instructed by your processor.
  • Increase strength to amplitude-building exercises
  • keep light hand weights.
  • Use elastic tubing or a bungee cord to restrain the breath.

If directed, start by increasing the weight of the knee pad:

  • Lie on your stomach with your legs straight.
  • Bring your heels to your knees.
  • Wait for five seconds.
  • Begin with one-leg exercises, such as half-legged doggies and walking up stairs, repeating the exercise ten times.
  • Once you have the balance of the legs, stand unassisted on the affected leg for ten seconds.
  • Do this exercise over several weeks.

Begin basic stabilization exercises as directed:

  • Keep practicing balance and proportion
  • Increase the intensity of aerobic exercise to raise the heart rate.
  • Start using endurance equipment such as a ladder climber or elliptical trainer.

For 6-8 weeks: ACL repair rehab protocol

  • During these weeks, you will progress and continue to improve on your previous workouts.
  • Your doctor recommends long (side-by-side) steps, side steps, and gradual steps.
  • Everyone progresses at their own pace.
  • It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions regarding exercise, your progress and limitations.

ACL repair rehab exercises for weeks 8-12

Continue to improve range and range of motion and capacity over the next month according to these general instructions.

Strengthening knee extension exercises. You may be provided with an elastic band for this exercise. If you have one:

  • End of the band around a table leg and around the circumference of your ACL injured leg, while you are facing the table.
  • Rotate 45 degrees against the resistance of the elastic band.
  • Then return to the starting position

ACL repair rehab protocol for weeks 12-14

At this time, many patients are ready to start jogging. Plyometric and acceleration exercises may also be introduced.

Follow-up with your surgeon or doctor or to perform functional tests, will determine success for rehab programs. You may be cleared of fo activity and given specific return to sports guidelines.

After surgery for ACL repair, it is especially important that you follow ACL injury prevention guidelines to reduce the risk of future injury.


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