Why Do My Knees Hurt When I Squat?

Why Do My Knees Hurt When I Squat and What I Do? – Fitoont

Why do my knees hurt when I squat and how can I treat it? This is one of the most important questions that many patients with knee pain complain about. Before starting to find out the causes and treatment, I will tell you some information about your knee from an anatomical and mechanical point of view.

  • The knee is one of the most necessary and complex joints (less complicated than the shoulder joint). It is also the most vulnerable.
  • The knee is also a very complex joint made up of delicate bones, fibers, cartilage, meniscus, sacs, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.
  • Behind the knee pain, especially when we bend it, there can be sports injuries, osteoarthritis of the joints.
  • Knees are the most painful joints in our body. Because of its importance, because it allows us to walk normally, run and jump. It provides us with flexibility and stability in a less active life that we use thousands of times a day.
  • We put more pressure on them if we’re overweight or doing high-impact sports.
  • All this makes it a very sensitive joint and usually causes problems at any age, especially as we get older, when diseases affecting the knee, such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, are common.
    So now, we know that Why do my knees hurt when I squat. Yes, there are many causes that need to be diagnosed, especially if it doesn’t go away. However, there is a very common type of knee pain that occurs especially when it is bent. Behind this pain, there can also be many causes. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones:

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome or runner’s knee

    This syndrome is mainly caused by a continuous overload of the knee due to violent sports such as running or jumping. But it can also appear after surgery or traumatic injuries.

    The resulting pain is located in the front of the knee and is usually mild, but increases markedly when climbing stairs, kneeling, squatting, or sitting with the knee bent.

    It should be diagnosed with an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI and improves with rest or ice after exercise.

    If the pain persists for a long time, the doctor may prescribe rehabilitation, and in severe cases (noticeable muscle weakness, inability to raise the foot, falling while walking) that are not diverted, surgery is performed.

    Patellar tendinitis

    This type of injury causes pain and burning in the patella and results from a tendon injury that binds the patella to the tip. Initially, pain starts with physical activity or after physical activity, but over time it can interfere with daily activity, as it is only painful to bend slightly when sitting, climbing stairs or getting up. This injury is common in people who engage in sports that include jumping, such as basketball. Treatments range from stretching or physical therapy rehabilitation to more complex treatments such as steroid injections or platelets if tendinitis becomes chronic.

    Iliotibial band syndrome

    This syndrome caused by overload and excess friction in the tape that connects the buttocks to the leg can cause pain in the outer part of the knee, and has not spread to the hip or groin.

    Initially, it will occur with intense physical activity, such as running, but over time pain can occur simply with walking or climbing the ladder. Usually it improves with comfort or ice mode. If it does not stop, it will be necessary to go to a physiotherapist.

    Hamstring inflammation (femoral biceps)

    Pain caused by tendinitis is located in this area behind the knee and can spread to the groin. It is usually due to sports malpractice or the use of bad shoes during sports practice. It usually improves with rest and physiotherapy treatments.

    Quadriceps tendinitis

    This type of injury can cause pain in the upper and front of the knee, especially when we move it. This injury is typical of sports where the brakes are accelerated and repeated. Treatment of this injury ranges from physiotherapy to hyaluronic acid injections or orthopedic devices in more complex cases.


    This pathology occurs when the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that reduces friction and protects the pressure points between the bones, tendons and muscles, in this case, of the knee, becomes inflamed. In addition to burning and swelling, it causes pain, both above and below the knee. This injury may go away on its own or be treated with corticosteroid injections or even by removing the accumulated fluid from the knee.


    Osteoarthritis is a condition caused by wear and tear on the joints, which produces diffuse pain, as well as swelling and stiffness, especially in the morning. The pain, although it may always be present, worsens when bending the knee, and can become very stabbing and sharp.

    ligament injuries

    The ligaments most commonly affected in the knee are the ACL and PCL. Injury usually occurs when there are sudden movements. The resulting pain is sharp and difficult to move, as it becomes more intense when the knee is bent. Ice can help relieve the pain, and if it subsides, your doctor may recommend a splint or even surgery.

    Baker’s cyst 

    This pathology, which is characterized by a fluid-filled swelling located in the back of the knee, causes pain in this area and worsens with movement. It can be caused by arthritis.

    Meniscus tear

    When this cartilage breaks, which can be sudden or due to small injuries or poor posture. In addition to the typical snapping sounds, sharp pain occurs, especially when bending the knees or squatting.

    Depending on where in your knee it hurts when you bend it, it can be:
    • The back: Hamstring tendinitis, Baker’s cyst.
    • On the front: Bursitis, quadriceps tendinitis, patellofemoral pain syndrome, patellar tendinitis.
    • Above the knee: quadriceps tendinitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis.
    • Acute pain: ligaments, meniscus tear, osteoarthritis.

    Many of these injuries can be prevented with caution when exercising or with physical therapy sessions. Such as warming up properly, and strengthening the muscles related to the place of pain. And if they continue to bother you, choose activities that are less harmful to the body, such as cycling and swimming. Maintaining an appropriate weight also helps prevent knee injuries.

    What should I do if I my knees hurt when I squat?

    While it’s a great exercise for working muscles like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, many people experience knee pain when doing squats. Squatting is a very common movement in the gym and even in everyday tasks, and it should be done without causing any kind of pain.

    Did you feel this symptom during training? In today’s post, we will give you some tips on how to fix issues that can cause pain to keep your joints safe. Come on?

    Prepare the muscles before starting the exercise

    Before starting to squat, it is very important to do some warm-up exercises to prepare the muscles for the load that you will receive.

    You can do aerobic exercises, such as walking, running or cycling. As well as some stretching exercises, especially those that work the quadriceps, the muscles that support the knees.

    Finally, applying strategies that help relax the muscles, such as massaging the area, is also important to avoid joint problems.

    After all, when the muscles are very tense, this can hinder the execution of the movement. This will cause unwanted knee pain when squatting.

    Improve ankle mobility

    Squatting is a movement that requires good movement of the lower extremities without leaving the ankles aside. It is an area that is often forgotten during training.

    If your calves are tired and stressed while squatting, this will prevent you from sitting perfectly. Therefore, improving the mobility of this muscle is essential.

    Do ankle rotations:

    3 sets of 20 moves with each leg before starting the squat to allow you to perform the movement correctly.

    Another exercise:
    • Pulling your toes toward your shins for about 60 seconds.
    • It’s a great move to strengthen and increase ankle flexibility.

    Use knee pads

    Using certain orthotics, known as knee pads, is one of the best strategies for avoiding knee pain when doing sit-ups.

    Knee pads ensure the stability of this joint during exercises, preventing movements made during training from causing damage to your knee.

    Orthotic products can be used as a form of prevention before pain begins and to relieve symptoms after they have already started.

    If you already experience this type of pain, be aware of how to perform the exercise and prepare to do it. Implementation errors are often the main cause of pain and injury.

    It is worth emphasizing here the importance of having a physical trainer during training so that all exercises are done safely.

    In addition, be sure to seek medical help so that a specialist evaluates your condition. He recommends the best knee brace to protect your joints.

    Knee pain when squatting is not normal and appropriate measures should be taken to stop this problem before it gets worse. knee braces are definitely one of them.

    Summary for why do my knees hurt when I squat

    It is important that you receive appropriate treatment as soon as possible. If left untreated, there is a risk that the knee pain and symptoms will worsen. And even if these symptoms subside, you will develop some type of disease over the years.

    You can search for a physiotherapist across the country from the button below. So if you have any symptoms, please consult a physiotherapist and receive appropriate treatment if necessary.


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