effective lower belly fat diet plan to burn it quickly - fitoont

Effective Lower Belly Fat Diet Plan To Burn It Quickly

Obesity and most of the extra weight are concentrated in the lower belly fat, especially in women, so their shape looks like a pear, which forces the declaration of war on the extra weight with this type of lower belly fat diet plan. (Source)

Nutrition and beauty experts say: It is difficult to get rid of lower belly fat and grease if they are in the lower part of the body.

And the diet that we offer in this method is the result of extensive research, carried out by experts, to remove unwanted excess lower belly fat.

This lower belly fat diet plan depends on reducing the amount of fat from the daily food permanently. Although ghee, butter or oil give the food a delicious flavor and taste, it is forbidden to use fats during the period of the diet while creating alternatives other than fat.

List of contraband with lower belly fat diet plan

We offer some recipes that do not require any type of fat, so here is the list of contraindications:
  1. Fats for cooking: Like margarine, oil, or animal fat, and all fried food.
  2. Dairy extracts: Such as butter, cream, yogurt, whole milk and cheese in general, except for cottage cheese and egg yolks.
  3. Fish: Fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, catfish, and eels.
  4. Meat: Like lamb or any fat on the meat.
  5. Nuts and pulp: All kinds of nuts and pulps too.
  6. Candy: Such as chocolate, toffee, cake, biscuits and gateaux in general.

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Lower Belly Fat Diet Plan

This plan can be followed within the lower belly fat diet:
  • A cup of skimmed milk, or three quarters of a cup of semi-skimmed milk.
  • Drink any amount of tea or coffee without sugar, with the addition of a little milk from the permissible daily amount.
  • Two slices of toast, with tomato and cucumber, with a can of salmon without oil and an amount of salad.
  • Two slices of toast, 4 slices of “75 grams” of white chicken “breast”, two tomatoes and one fruit.
  • A quantity of cottage cheese, with peeled boiled shrimp.
  • One potato in the oven with the skin, with 225 grams of white beans or cottage cheese, with a salad, or boiled corn.

Dinner menu

Eat only one of the following group of dishes:

Appetizers: Choose one only:
  • The fruit of an Indian lemon “grapefruit”.
  • Pieces of melon.
  • Skimmed chicken broth.
  • Zucchini stuffed with shrimp.
Main meal
  • 100 gm of skimmed “beef burger”, vegetables, and a brown round piece of bread.
  • Grilled or steamed trout fish stuffed with units of shrimp and salad.
  • 175 Grams of cooked “veal” veal liver slices, with a small onion and green.
  • 75 grams of “veal” steak with vegetables.
  • cooked chicken, with foreign balls.
Sweet dishes

Banana slices with fruit yogurt.

An apple with skimmed yogurt.

Fresh fruit with skimmed yogurt.

A piece of meringue dessert, with skimmed yogurt, and strawberry or raspberry units.

Fruit compote.

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We have chosen a method of making three dishes from the dishes presented during the period of the lower belly fat diet plan, to become clear to whoever follows this diet:

First dish: the stuffed zucchini

  • 4 medium fruits of zucchini, cut in half lengthwise.
  • 75 grams of boiled and peeled baby shrimp.
  • Two tomatoes, chopped.
  • Half a small onion, very finely chopped.
  • 225 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 4 points of “Tabasco” hot sauce.
  • Salt and pepper as needed.


  1. Zucchini should be cooked in boiling salted water for a few minutes, then drain, and when it cools, the seeds are removed with some meat, and cut into small pieces.
  2. Two thirds of the amount of shrimp are roughly chopped, and mixed with tomatoes, onions, zucchini pieces, cottage cheese, salt, pepper and Tabasco drops.
  3. Stuff each of the halves of zucchini with the previous filling, decorate the plate with the remaining shrimp units, and place in the refrigerator until the time for serving.

Second dish: chicken in the oven with balls

NB: It’s the best dish for anyone wanting to start lower belly fat diet plan


  • 4 small hot dogs.
  • Two onions, chopped.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • A 397 g can of chopped tomatoes.
  • Two carrots, cut into slices.
  • Clove of minced garlic.
  • 4 small frankincense balls, washed and cleaned.
  • Half a cup of chicken broth.
  • Half a teaspoon “dry basil”.
  • A half of teaspoon of dry aromatic herbs.
  • 4 boneless chicken breast pieces.
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Stove the oven on a medium temperature, and fry the sausage in a thick-bottomed pan without fat over a very high heat, then add the onion and it must be cooked for two minutes.
  2. Add the flour, mix with the onions and the sausage well, then add the tomatoes, and stir all of them, and add salt and pepper with good stirring.
  3. Add the chicken pieces, mix all together, then transfer all of the mixture to an oven dish, and it must be cooked for an hour and a half until the chicken and vegetables are tender and served hot.

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Third dish: fruit salad

  • Two oranges.
  • A small pineapple.
  • A quarter of a kilo cherries Loose seeds and cut into 4 pieces.
  • 300 ml natural pineapple juice.
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
  • Two bananas.
  1. Peel an orange, take one orange peel, and put it in boiling water for 5 minutes, then filter it and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
  2. Slice the orange into thin slices, then cut each slice into quarters.
  3. Peel the pineapple, then cut it into rings, and cut each ring into 5 or 6 pieces.
    Put all the fruits in a bowl with pineapple juice, cover and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Before serving, cut the banana into rings and add to the rest of the fruit, then sprinkle the surface with orange peels and cinnamon.

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