abdominal muscles, 6 pack abs, anatomy

Abdominal Muscles Secrets For Amazing 6 Pack Abs – Fitoont

Having a flat stomach and 6 pack abs, is a dream that both men and women want, so firstly we should know the anatomy of abdominal muscles.

The abdomen is a special muscle group, because it integrates the central area of ​​the body.

Therefore, maintaining a strong abdomen through training provides additional health benefits.

We must first know what is the importance of everyone’s attention to the abdominal muscles?

  1. It gives an aesthetic appearance to your body and increases its attractiveness.
  2. Give a suggestion by force.
  3. Having a strong Stable Core trunk improves your athletic performance, increases your speed and durability, and protects you from injuries in heavy gym workouts. (Source)
  4. 8-week abdominal exercises increases the fitness of Running Economy runners.
  5. Abdominal and pelvic exercises protect against lower back and leg injuries, not only in the area of ​​exercise, but also the regular daily activities that cause injuries to some.(Source)
  6. It has an important role in the treatment of chronic low back pain. (Source)
  7. strengthening the abdomen means increasing muscle mass in this area and less fat, and helps lower the incidence of metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.
  8. keeping the abdominal muscle strong allows every internal organ to remain in place, preferring the proper functioning of the digestive system and intestine, and avoiding constipation problems.
  9. when the abdominal area is tightened, all exercises are performed in better positions, breathing is preferred, and postural neck and neck pain will disappear, and we will know how this is done in our article today.

In this article I will teach you how to get 6 pack abs, with a full explanation of all abdominal exercises and effective aspects.

A quick explanation of the anatomy of the abdominal muscles with pictures:

Abdominal muscles may be seen by many as complex, unlike other muscles that are easy to understand and visualize.

Such as the biceps and pectoralis major muscles, but in this part I will simplify everything.

6 pack abs
1 – Rectus Abdominis muscle:

It extends from the pubic symphysis, pubic crest and pubic tubercle inferiorly, to the xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5, 6 and 7, as seen in the picture.

6 pack muscle

The muscles are divided into a right column and a left column by a strong single midline fibrous that runs in a vertical shape made of collagen called Linea Alba.

This ligament decreases in thickness and tears after birth due to the large size of the stomach in women, but sometimes torn in men due to large rumen.

There are other ligaments called Tendinous Inscriptions, which divide the abdominal muscles horizontally.

These bands are strong for some and limited for others due to genetics. This determines whether a person has 4, 6, 8, or 10 packs.

The muscles of Rectus Abdominis are one muscle and divided by ligaments.

These ligaments vary from person to person and change the shape of the abdomen.

You cannot choose to get 6 packs or 10 packs with exercise or hormones, which is hereditary.

Although it is one muscle, it is possible to target Lower Rectus Abdomins with some exercises and target the upper Rectus Abdominis with other exercises.

Function of this muscle:
  • Fold the spine to bring the ribs closer to the pubis, just as it does in the abdominal milling exercise.
  • Keeping your torso upright and the inhalation process (try blowing now and note the tightening of your stomach muscles).
  • Protect your internal organs and remove pressure from your lower back.

Therefore, weak abdominal muscles cause problems and injuries in the lower back.

These are also some movements that run the Rectus Abdominis muscle to understand how they work:

rectus abdominis exercise


2 – External Abdominal Obliques muscle:

external obliques muscle

It always gives V shape in the lower abdomen.

It is the largest superficial muscle in the abdomen, originated from the external surfaces ribs 5 – 12 and inserted in the Linea Alba and the pubic tubercle.

Function of this muscle:
  • Control the spine.
  • The abdominal muscle pressure
  • The lateral movement of the stem.
These are also some movements that run the External Obliques to understand how they work:

6 pack abs external muscles oblique

3 – The Internal Abdominal Obliques Muscle:

Internal Abdominal Obliques

It is a deep, non-superficial muscle that does not see or touch and is located behind the muscle of the external obliques

originated from the Inguinal ligament, Iliac crest and the Lumbodorsal fascia, and inserted at Linea alba, Pectineal Line of Pubis and ribs 10-12.

Function of this muscle:
  • Support for the stomach wall.
  • Helps inhale and raise the pressure of the abdominal muscles and trunk movements of the trunk.
These are also some movements that run the Internal Abdominal Obliques to understand how they work:

internal oblique muscles

4- The Transverse Abdominis muscle

Transverse Abdominis

They are also deep, invisible muscles, called TVA, that lie behind the internal obliques.

It is origin from ribs 7 through 12, the Thoracolumbar Fascia and the Illiac Crest, and inserted at Linea Alba, Xiphoid process, pubic crest.

Function of this muscle:
  • Stabilizing the core stability.
  • Maintaining abdominal muscle pressure.
  • Respiratory role.
  • Pelvic balance, which are the muscles that contract when they push.
These are also some movements that run the Transverse Abdominis to understand how they work:

TVA muscle

5- The pyramidalis muscle:


It is a small triangular muscle (as you see above), attaches to the pelvis in two places: the pubic symphysis and pubic crest.

it originatd from Pubic Crest and Pubic Symphsis and inserted at Linea Alba

Function of this muscle:
  • Tighten the Linea Alba ligament.
  • Participate with the rest of the abdominal muscles to increase the pressure of the stomach wall.
These are also some movements that run the Pyramidalis muscle to understand how they work:

pyramidalis exercise

Finally, we have now learned all the information and secrets about the anatomy and functions of the abdominal muscles.

So we can now plan to build 6 pack abs, and we will not let you do this on your own, my dear friend, but we are here with you to help you on this beautiful and enjoyable journey.

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