Hypopressive Abs: Burn Belly Fat With Telemedicine Diet – Fitoont

Hypopressive abs are based on belly breathing exercises to tone the stomach through the telemedicine weight loss platform. Frequently used in yoga, this gentle exercise effectively strengthens the abdominal strap while protecting the back and perineum. Close to meditation, this breathing and postural technique is excellent for stimulating and toning the abdominal muscles. Discover the method and the exercises of hypopressive abs with our telemedicine weight loss platform.

Hypopressive abs: telemedicine to strengthen the stomach

Not much is known to the general public that abs pressure is used by physical therapists to treat back pain and digestion as well. Telemedicine platforms also use this technique to re-educate the perineum after childbirth.

Hypopressive abs: a gentle method to tone our abdominals

To tone up and find a flat stomach, we are often tempted to work on known exercises. The most common techniques aim to bring the shoulders closer to the pelvis, through repetitive movements. However, crunches and other sit-ups are hyperpressive exercises that weaken the pelvic area .

In these types of exercises, the repetitive movement performed increases intra-abdominal pressure and pushes the organs down.

Therefore, you should practice Hyperpressive abdominals in moderation in order to preserve the health of our back, organs and our perineum.

The method of hypopressive abdominals, meanwhile, is part of a gentler current, hypopressive gymnastics, based on breathing.

Hypopressive abs: Burn Belly Fat With Telemedicine Diet

Through the Vitonet telemedicine platform for weight loss, which you can communicate with a physiotherapist to teach you how to practice these exercises correctly. On the other hand, there are many telemedicine platforms that provide you with a service to communicate with doctors, but it is not free.

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Avoid incontinence and organ descent problems

Hypopressive abs allow you to work your abdominals without risk to the perineum.

The perineum can be weakened in both men and women. The set of muscles that make up the pelvic floor can stretch or collapse, causing problems with incontinence and / or organ descent. Hyperpressive abdominal exercises can cause or worsen this health problem.

Strengthen the abdominals with adapted breathing

Hypopressive abdominal exercises strengthen the abdominal strap through adapted breathing work. Indeed, it is all the postures and breathing techniques of these exercises that tone the stomach and the lower back.

The hypopressive abs method is characterized mainly by a contraction of the diaphragm in respiratory apnea.

By voluntarily contracting the abdominals while exhaling from the bottom up, we push the diaphragm and the organs upwards. The work of contraction of the transverse abdominal muscles is carried out by an impressive retraction of the belly.

Unlike hyperpressive techniques, we do not try to bring the shoulders to the pelvis, but rather to breathe to solicit the deep and transverse muscles.

The pressure generated by breathing tones the pelvic floor as well as the abdominal belt and lower back. The organs are then preserved, which reduces the risk of incontinence and organ descents.

The many benefits of hypopressive abs

Hypopressive abdominal exercises help strengthen the deep muscles of the abdominal belt. They help to achieve a flat stomach, while being beneficial for many reasons:

benefits of hypopresssive abs
  1. The toning of the belly,
  2. Improved balance,
  3. The toning of the muscles of the perineum and the abdominal strap,
  4. The reduction of anxiety and stress, thanks to breathing,
  5. Prevention of pain from hernias,
  6. Back and lumbar protection,
  7. Strengthening the pelvic floor,
  8. Control of urinary incontinence and organ descent,
  9. Intestinal well-being,
  10. Stimulation of the venous circulation of the legs,
  11. Strengthening the perineum following pregnancy,
  12. Belly toning for people who have lost a lot of weight.

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Hypopressive abs in practice on telemedicine platforms: 15 minutes of breathing exercises

The basis of the exercises is first to control breathing and especially respiratory apnea. The positions can be varied, but the starting technique remains the same.

Start by practicing the basic technique, which you can apply to all other positions. The postural and breathing techniques are quite tiring, so do not hesitate to rest 2 to 3 minutes between each exercise.

Go to our platform and make a free appointment with our physiotherapist, at which point, they will tell you all hypopressive techniques at around 15 mins.

The basis of hypopressive abs: the breathing technique

The performance of hypopressive abs exercises is done through 4 phases of breathing:

1. The exhalation phase:  This involves exhaling all the air in your lungs while completely retracting your stomach. Contract your abs and tuck your stomach (imagine your spine is sucking in the navel).

2. The respiratory apnea phase: Hold your breath for 10 to 20 seconds, keeping your stomach contracted and tight. You should then feel a contraction in the navel.

3. The inspiration phase: Breathe in deeply, keeping your stomach as much as possible. Your lungs swell, not your abdomen.

4. The breathing phrase: Slowly release the air. Try to maintain a balanced breathing rate. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat for 5-10 minutes.

Once one is comfortable with this unusual breathing practice, various other postures can be adopted in order to work the deep muscles.

3 types of hypopressive abs exercises

The principle of breathing is the same for all hypopressive abdominal positions. The objective is therefore to resume the work of breathing explained above.

Exercise 1 – The stomach vacuum (“suck the stomach”)

This exercise is the most well-known among the hypopressive abdominal postures. It is ideal for strengthening the transverse muscle and helping to have a flat stomach.

hypopressive abs: stomach vacuum

The instructions:

  • Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your arms at your sides.
  • Breathe out all the air in your lungs as you pull your stomach in completely.
  • Contract your abs and pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  • Keep your stomach tucked in and your abs tight for 10 to 20 seconds.
  • Take a deep breath as you inflate your lungs while keeping your stomach fully tucked in.
  • Release and resume a normal breathing rate.
  • Start over.

You should do this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes, standing, sitting (in the car or at the office) or even lying down.

Exercise 2 – Lateral sheathing

Lateral sheathing is one of the hypopressive abdominal exercises.

Lateral sheathing is one of the hypopressive

The instructions:

  • Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. The angle of your elbow should form a 90 ° angle.
  • Lift your hips off the ground. Only the forearm and ankles remain in contact with the ground.
  • Contract your abdominal strap using the vacuum breathing method.

Exercise 3 – The ventral sheathing

The ventral sheathing, also called the plank exercise, solicits the muscles in depth.

hypopressive abs, diet, telemedicine, telehealth, fitness

The instructions:

  • Lie on the floor, supporting yourself on your elbows and tiptoes. Elbows must be perpendicular to the ground (90 ° angle).
  • Place your back flat and parallel to the floor.
  • Contract your abdominal strap using the vacuum breathing method.

The little tips in +

  • You should do hypopressive abdominal exercises regularly, 1 or more times a day.
  • At home or during a break at work, in a few minutes, you can indulge yourself in a small series of hypopressive abs: sitting, lying down, on your knees or even standing.
  • I advise you to work your abdominals when on an empty stomach, because the diaphragm moves a lot during these sessions. Then a passage to the toilet, to make sure that the bladder is empty, is advised.


Hypopressive abs are strictly not recommended for pregnant women or women with recent cesarean-type scars, as well as for people suffering from hypertension or having recently undergone abdominal surgery.

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Hypopressive abdominal exercises work the deep muscles of the abdomen while preserving your health.

If you want to be in shape while breathing, just leave comments.

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