Tummy Tuck 1 Week Post Op

Tummy Tuck 1 Week Post Op Recovery and Considerations – Fitoont

You should understand that the healing period for each belly tuck is different and relies on the depth of your surgical plan as you will read the recovery of tummy tuck 1 week post op data below. However, in most circumstances, the tummy tuck recovery duration is very predictable.

Tummy tuck 1 week post Op recovery
Tummy tuck 1 week post Op recovery

This article will teach you how to recover properly within a tummy tuck 1 week post op. So you’re prepared for everything from potential side effects to post-operative care. Also included are some scar prevention suggestions. As a result, you’ll be able to return to normal faster than before.

The following must be observed throughout the tummy tuck 1 week post op:

The following must be observed throughout the tummy tuck 1 week post op:
tummy tuck 1 week post op

Stick to the rest:

It is preferable not to waste time and sleep in bed throughout the tummy tuck 1 week post op. However, observe these guidelines: Make sure you have a high cushion to elevate your head and allow you to breathe easily. It keeps any respiratory issues at bay.

You May Be Interested In: How to sleep after tummy tuck?

Maintain a low salt diet:

A low-sodium diet with fruits and vegetables is essential for reducing edema.

Expect the following adverse effects:

Pain is usual. You will also notice some bruising and swelling in the location of the procedure, particularly in the tummy tuck 1 week post op.

Carefully apply bandages:

Every 1-2 days following surgery, change the stomach tuck pads and gently clean the area surrounding the incision.


Liquids aid in the removal of toxins from the body by regulating intestinal motility and preventing disruptions caused by drugs and painkillers.

Ice packs:

Using ice packs may be recommended by your physical therapist. It plays a critical function in the removal of the tumor and the reduction of discomfort. Ice is Magic.


For the first few days following tummy tuck, most patients may need to utilize a drain to move excess fluid away from the wound and out of the body. Most drains may be eliminated within three to seven days.

The significance of compression garments:

Wearing compression garments during the 1 week post tummy tuck will assist in achieving the desired form and shape nicely. But remember to take it off before showering.


Patients can usually shower a day or two following surgery. However, if you feel dizzy, it is best to wait. For a few days following surgery, patients with drains may find it simpler to shower with a sponge.

Walking daily:

Walking for a few minutes every day is highly beneficial for preventing clots and improving blood circulation.

Stop doing the following:

These activities should be avoided during the first week following stomach tuck surgery. Driving, exercise, work, housework, smoking, and consuming alcohol are examples.

First week tummy tuck post-operative considerations and expectations

The tummy tuck 1 week post op is frequently the most uncomfortable since your movements are limited. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things to remember throughout your stomach lift recovery phase.

Tightness and Stiffness in Abdomen with Subtle or Intense Pain

It is normal that you will suffer from a stiff abdomen with some pain after the tummy tuck. Do not worry, you will get rid of this feeling gradually with time and with painkillers.

Glossy skin or any itching and numbness sensation

You will feel something vexing in the wound area, so scrape the crust that has developed on it. This crust should not be rubbed. Because itching can cause the incision to open and grow in inflammation.

Swelling in the lower abdomen.

The doctor will explain to you why your abdomen is swollen after the operation and why the operation area will be red. While you will notice that your stomach gets worse after the tummy tuck. Just be patient, everything will improve with time and with the instructions of your surgeon and physiotherapist.

Tightening of the skin, hypersensitivity, or hypoallergenicity

As a result of surgical intervention, you will also experience issues with muscle or nerve sensitivity. As a result, muscular rehabilitation must be considered prior to surgery.

Muscle Imbalance

You may have Muscle Imbalance, which is a loss of core muscle power across your body caused by a weak set of muscles and a strong group of muscles. Rest assured that this is normal; nonetheless, you should seek the assistance of a physiotherapist to help you through this problem.

Other expectations like:
  • Feeling groggy or nauseated
  • Your body heals on both sides in distinct ways.

Tummy tuck 1 week post Op recovery:

tummy tuck recovery
Tummy tuck recovery
    • Take pain relievers as indicated.
    • Put on a compression garment.
    • To reduce pain and swelling, apply an ice compress.
    • Restriction on movement
    • Maintain a small bend at the waist.
    • For the first three days following surgery, you should have 24-hour care and support.
    • Keep hydrated.
    • Rest in your bed.

The 1st day instructions of tummy tuck

1- Anesthesia:

Note that you will be severely affected by the action of anesthesia that you will receive before the operation. Therefore, you should have a companion to drive you home if your surgeon tells you to leave the hospital after surgery.
It should take care of you afterwards so that you can rest for the rest of the day. It may take several hours for the numbing medicine to wear off the first day, so expect to feel groggy for a while.

2- Discomfort and pain:

You can expect discomfort within the tummy tuck 1 week post op, which may be controlled with prescribed pain medicines.

3- Infections:

You’ll be given prescriptions for oral drugs to take before surgery to lower the risk of infection at your pre-operative appointment.

4- Muscle weakness:

It is recommended to go to a physiotherapist to do physical therapy sessions on the surgical area (abdominal muscles) and strengthen them before surgery. In order to facilitate the rehabilitation of this area. As it will weaken the result of the surgery.

5- The incision

The incision will be red for the first six days, so keep it clean as recommended by your physician. Don’t worry, the body will seal the wound on its own.


Be sure to follow your drain pump instructions diligently, especially during the first days after surgery. Fluid accumulates rapidly within the tummy tuck 1 week post op recovery, so empty your drain pump whenever it’s full, and be sure to record the amount of fluid each time.

You can watch video about tummy tuck 1 week recovery


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