How To Sleep After Tummy Tuck

Physical Therapy: How To Sleep After Tummy Tuck? – Fitoont

Sometimes, diet, balanced diet, and exercise are not enough to flatten the tummy. Man or woman one of the hardest parts of the body to build muscle! tummy tuck can treat this. This plastic and functional surgery requires a recovery phase, and in particular attention to the position in which one sleeps. But how to sleep after tummy tuck? Let’s talk about it now

Find a flat stomach and a better defined waist

Certain factors can accentuate the bulging appearance of the abdomen: one or more pregnancies for example, but also significant weight fluctuations, have an effect on our skin which can sometimes show significant sagging skin, as well as stubborn excess fat.

If sports solutions and diets can redefine your silhouette and improve skin quality without surgery, sometimes they just aren’t enough.

Thus, an intervention such as a tummy tuck makes it possible to reshape the abdomen and reshape this area of ​​the body: liposuction is performed, then the skin is re-tightened (lifted) and muscles, in order to create a flat stomach and proportional to the rest of the body.

A tummy tuck is one of the plastic surgery procedures that requires the longest recovery time (all things considered, of course). Strictly following post-operative instructions, as well as the body’s natural ability to heal, contribute to this process.

One of the questions patients often ask is “How do you sleep after tummy tuck?”

Tummy Tuck in NYC, what is it and what are the consequences?

Performed under general anesthesia, the tummy tuck and the extent of the work carried out depends on the desired and necessary correction.

Many surgical options are considered when performing an abdominoplasty ; whether it is purely aesthetic or restorative/functional. Also it can be mini or complete, with transposition of the navel or not, with minimal or more important liposuction. Inevitably, the recovery phase will depend on the work that has been done by Doctor Kevin.

At the end of the procedure, you will need to wear a compression garment day and night, to keep everything in place and promote healthy circulation.

How to sleep well after abdominoplasty?

If advances in tummy tuck allow a return to activities fairly quickly, it is better to relax at home and avoid unnecessary exertion. A work stoppage is generally prescribed for 1 to 3 weeks, or more depending on the case.

When it comes to recovery, everyone has their own pace! However, it is common to experience some discomfort and tightness, but also some swelling or bruising.

Watch this video to know how to sleep after tummy tuck?

So how can you sleep well, and above all, safely after tummy tuck in NYC?

In tummy tuck, a thin incision is made between the top of the pubis and the navel. The length of the incision is usually determined by the amount of excess skin to be removed. The way we sleep is therefore important so that our body can heal well and recover! A poor sleeping position after a tummy tuck can slow the pace and quality of recovery .

Sleeping on your back, lying flat, is, contrary to what you might think, not a good idea: this position stretches the abdomen and puts pressure on the incisions.

So, you have to be on your back, of course, but in a  slightly reclined position with your legs bent. If you don’t have a reclining chair or bed available, no problem, one or two cushions positioned under your knees will do the trick!

For a mini-tummy tuck, this sleeping position is to be maintained for 1 to 3 weeks, and 4 to 6 weeks for a complete abdominoplasty.

You May be Interested In: Tummy Tuck 6 Days Post Op: Full ecovery Day By Day 

How do you get used to sleeping in this position?

If this position is not your habit and you are afraid of turning over during the night, prepare yourself beforehand! For example, practice it by taking a nap or sleeping like this for a few weeks before surgery.

In any case, the entire team of  Doctor Kevin in NYC  is at your disposal for any questions before and after your intervention.

The Importance of good sleep after an abdominoplasty

The Importance of good sleep after Tummy tuck
The Importance of good sleep after Tummy tuck

After a tummy tuck, you need sleep to recover. During sleep, your body will repair the affected area and complete the work the surgeon started, helping you achieve a beautiful, natural-looking abdomen. However, how you sleep after tummy tuck will have a profound effect on the pace and quality of your recovery. Sleeping in the wrong position could compromise your results and prevent you from getting the rest you need.

What should you do while sleeping?

There are simple ways to achieve sleep after a tummy tuck:

1- Use a recliner for sleeping

Performing a tummy tuck involves making a long, thin incision between the hip bones and just above the pubic mound. The surgeon will make the cut, remove excess fat from the abdomen, then lower the skin from above over the incision line. Excess skin is removed and then the stomach sewn up, leaving a tight, flat finish.

As you can imagine, sleeping flat on your back after surgery is not a good idea . Laying flat stretches the abdomen, putting pressure on the freshly sewn skin, leading to pain and potential damage to the sutures. Therefore, when you fall asleep, experts recommend sleeping in a slightly bent position that avoids pulling on the seams. Instead of sleeping flat on your bed (like you usually would), surgeons suggest using a recliner.

A recliner (a type of chair that folds down in the middle) gives you a comfortable and safe way to sleep. The recliner gives you the ability to have a restful night without the risk of tossing and turning or damaging the stitching. A good recliner should allow you to adjust the amount of curvature in your body, as needed.

2- How long do you need to sleep on a recliner?

How long you sleep on a recliner depends on the type of abdominoplasty you have had.

Recovery from a mini tummy tuck “one in which the incision does not go from hip to hip” takes about one to three weeks. Recovery from a full tummy tuck “where the incision runs from hip to hip” takes about four weeks.

(Exercise should be limited for six weeks). So, if you’ve had a full abdominoplasty, you’ll want to sleep in a reclined position for a few weeks while the tissues heal.

Most surgeons recommend maintaining a bent position for at least the first week, whether lying down,

5 Tips to lie well in bed after tummy tuck operation

5 Tips to lie well in bed after tummy tuck operation
5 Tips to lie well in bed after tummy tuck operation

1- Since the tissues of the lower abdomen expand after a tummy tuck, it is necessary to maintain a “flexed” body shape, whether walking, standing or getting into bed.

2- When transitioning from a standing position to a lying position, pay close attention to your body shape. Ideally, you’ll want to maintain a curved shape throughout the process, being careful not to put too much pressure on the seams.

3- Before taking a reclining position, make sure the bed or chair is the correct shape to accommodate the reclining position.

4- Next, sit on the side of the bed with your knees pointing outward, keeping the bend in your core. Then rotate your legs on the bed so that they are facing you.

5- Finally, lower your torso. You shouldn’t lower yourself too much if you sleep in a chair or bed that can be raised.

Practice sleeping before the operation

If you sleep on the front or side, sleeping on your back after tummy tuck surgery may be abnormal. So it is a good idea to practice sleeping lying down for a few weeks before the surgery so that you can sleep better after the procedure. Being able to fall asleep will aid the recovery process, allowing you to get back on your feet sooner.

Sleeping without a recliner

In general, you have two options for how to sleeping after tummy tuck. The first is to adjust bed with pillows to provide a high section for your torso so that you can maintain a reclined position while sleeping.

This has the advantage of being a simple solution – just a few extra pillows. But there are downsides, which is the fact that when you sleep on the bed, you are likely to roll over. Additionally, the pillows that support your torso to maintain a bent posture can slip from below during the night, putting your layers at risk.

It is therefore essential to bring a travel pillow, preferably one with shape memory, to reconcile comfort and ensure that you do not tip over while sleeping.

Wear compression garment while sleeping

Compression garments are garments that temporarily support your stomach and provide support to your abdominal muscles after surgery.

There are many types of compression garments you can use – from laces to belts. Whenever possible, follow your surgeon’s advice and wear the compression garment according to his instructions. Compression garments should be worn at all times of the day, including while sleeping.

After the surgery, you are likely to experience some infections in your abdomen. Compression garments help support your stomach while it’s inflamed, aiding the recovery process.

What you need to do outside sleep?

1- To get out of bed

Due to the nature of the incision after a tummy tuck, patients should be careful when getting out of bed to avoid tummy tuck muscle tightening.

When you get out of bed, move to the side, keeping your hips bent, then use your hands to push yourself into a seated position. Once seated, lean forward and use your leg muscles to help you stand.

Maintaining a hunched posture at all times is essential. This will not only prevent damage to the incision area, but will also help reduce the appearance of the scar once all the stitches have been removed.

2- Take pain medication

Pain relievers can be taken before bed to help relieve discomfort while you’re trying to sleep for the first few days after a tummy tuck. Avoid using sedatives that contain stimulants because they may prevent you from sleeping.

3- Make bed a ritual

Much of what our brain does is subconscious, including getting ready for sleep. So it is a good idea to train your brain to prepare for rest. You can do this by turning bedtime into a ritual. Before the surgery, start sleeping in a chair or in a reclining position. Practice the anticipation of falling asleep once in this position by turning off the lights and electronics.

4- Talk to your doctor or your physiotherapist

Your surgeon probably has a lot of experience helping patients how to sleep after a tummy tuck. Talk to them about your options and how you can sleep better during the most critical stages of the recovery process.

In this PDF you can See our infograph for this topic

What you need to do after tummy tuck outside sleep?

How to sleep after a tummy tuck?

The main takeaway is to sleep in a bent position or with a jackknife after tummy tuck, preferably on your back. The best way to do this is to use a chair, although some extra pillows under your back are a good alternative. To aid recovery, wear compression garments, even while sleeping, and talk to your health care professional about pain management after surgery.


How to sleep after tummy tuck?

Of course, it is recommended to sleep on your back with pillows behind your head.

In a position that therefore does not require any tightening. It is also advisable to bend the legs by placing a support under the knees (pillows, for example).

For those who like to sleep on their stomach, you need to be patient and respect this rule so that you can appreciate the results of the operation

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