after tummy tuck diet

After Tummy Tuck Diet: Keep Your Stomach Flat – Fitoont

After tummy tuck diet is always a good practice to follow, at any age and in all circumstances. This keeps you fit and help your body stay healthy for longer. It’s always hard to believe how much you should eat each day actually affects how we feel.

However, what has not been emphasized enough is the importance of a targeted diet in the post tummy tuck phase. I know what you’re thinking: Should I follow “after tummy tuck diet”? But it’s different here more than anything else about a diet that can improve healing and reduce inflammation and swelling.

So we can say that a proper and balanced diet post tummy tuck helps to improve the wound healing process and speeds up the healing process of the wounds.

Healthy eating is a good practice to follow not only after tummy tuck. Let’s take after tummy tuck diet as an example. Obviously, in these cases, the goal is to reach an ideal weight, but that’s not all: arriving on the day of surgery at a normal weight significantly reduces the risk of complications, ensures a better outcome, and improves recovery times.

The question that many patients ask themselves is about after tummy tuck diet. In fact, there is a real classic question that patients ask the surgeon: What do we eat after a tummy tuck?. Let us know what is the correct answer in detail.

Why should you be concerned about your post-tummy tuck diet?

A surgeon is not a nutritionist, which is why he will not provide you with an appropriate post-operative diet. You will get precise recommendations on what to eat and what to avoid. Remember that the objective is not only to help the body heal, but also to give you with an incentive to live a healthy lifestyle, which, in addition to making you live better and healthier, may ensure that you keep your abdominoplasty outcome. This after tummy tuck diet should also be complemented with any form of activity that tones muscles and burns calories.

You May Be Interested In: Tummy tuck before and after

When it comes to eating following a belly tuck, what mistakes do people make?

Before we get into the nitty gritty of what we consume after a tummy tuck, let’s have a look at the “negative” side of things, or what not to do. Frequently, especially after major surgery such as abdominoplasty, patients are frightened of eating too little or eating too little, which is a huge error.

The body is in a condition of extreme stress following a tummy tuck procedure, and appropriate nutrition will help it recover as quickly as possible. Eating too little or no food is a mistake that the patient should never make, which is why he should be properly informed. At a moment like this, stress should also be avoided to the greatest extent feasible.

What are surgeons’ thoughts on “after tummy tuck diet”?

Finally, we’ve gotten to the heart of our instructive article: what to eat post tummy tuck surgery.

There are two points of view:
  • To begin, a high-protein diet is advised to promote improved tissue regeneration and recovery.
  • On the other hand, starting with a low-calorie diet is not recommended.

When recovering following stomach tuck surgery, it is important to maintain a healthy dietary balance, which is why you should consume nutritious meals in the appropriate amounts.

In addition, the first month following surgery should be high in protein. However, after this initial period, the attending physician may consider modifying the specifically planned diet.

Ideal foods for after tummy tuck diet

The Mediterranean diet is widely regarded as one of the healthiest and most comprehensive diets available: its variety allows us to give our bodies with the proper nutritional intake while being light and healthy.

  1. The Mediterranean diet, with a few minor caveats, is the best after tummy tuck diet for helping the body heal:
  2. Antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are found in meals that help to reduce swelling and inflammation and promote cell repair. Extra virgin olive oil, blue fish and salmon, fruits and vegetables like blueberries and strawberries, and leafy greens like spinach are all given the green light.
  3. Get around 30 grammes of fibre each day, and choose whole foods wherever possible.
    Limit your daily calorie intake, even if it’s difficult, to maintain weight management and support natural weight reduction.
  4. Remove saturated fats from your diet, such as fried meals and butter.
  5. Sugar, rice, pasta, and meals with a high glycemic index should not be consumed in excess.
  6. Reduce your salt intake and replace it with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial spices like turmeric, curry, and ginger.
  7. Reduce your intake of red meat and replace it with white chicken, turkey, or rabbit instead.
  8. It is recommended to eat foods such as: the fruit, vegetables, dairy products, cereal fish. But in a very moderate way, it is also good for the patient to eat some carbohydrates.
  9. It is very important to avoid fast food.
  10. Finally, here’s a great tip: drink a glass of red wine every day. It has a lot of polyphenols and antioxidants in it.

Book a free appointment

Book a free appointment with one of our nutritionists now, and we’ll look after you from start to finish: from analysis to recovery. We can supply you with a tailored meal plan and “after tummy tuck diet” tips to meet your needs thanks to our Fitoont platform’s dietitians and nutritionists. Take care of yourself from the inside out.


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