causes of low back pain in female

What Causes Lower Back Pain In Female? – Fitoont

Today in this article, we will discuss “what causes lower back pain in female” In pregnant and non-pregnant women.. They experience this sensation of burning pain in their lower back. Actually, there are many things that can cause Lower left back pain in women. You should be able to differentiate the causes lower back pain in pregnant female and the back pain in non-pregnant women and men. For the pregnant female, there are some natural cases that can cause lower back pain and it seems inevitable. On the other hand, lower left back pain in women who are not pregnant may be the same with the lower back pain experienced by men, and this can be more serious than the former.

What causes Lower back pain in female during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, most women experience the sensation of burning pain in her low back pain. Actually, the causes lower back pain in female during pregnancy are gaining weight, hormonal changes and postural.

  1. The increasing weight will change the center of their gravity and as the result; they will automatically change their posture. This causes lower left back pain in women occurred.
  2. The hormonal changes also reduce the lower back’s stability. This Lower back pain in women usually happens during the first months of pregnancy and will last until the birth. Some are more fortunate, they only have the lower left back pain in women during the fifth to seventh month during pregnancy.
  3. As stated before, the causes of this kind of lower back pain in female can be more serious than the things caused by pregnancy.
  4. Lower left back pain in female and men in this case may be because the muscular injury, too much pressure in the root of the nerve and compression fractures.
  5. For the too-much-pressure cause, actually there are some things that cause the pressure in the root of the nerve.
  6. The ageing process causes osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis..
  7. Herniated disc, which is caused by the extreme sport activities, fractures, which can be caused by accident.
  8. Spinal deformities, which is caused by the disorder of the curvature; like kyphosis and scoliosis.
  9. Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and long-term use of corticosteroids increase the chances of vertebral collapse.
  10. One of the most recurrent is the size of the breasts. Its constant weight does not stop affecting the ligaments of the back, causing a stretch that directly causes lower back pain in female that you could suffer. Submitting to a breast reduction can be a solution as practical as it is recommended.
  11. The last one is the most common causes of low back pain in female due to the menopause time. Yet, that does not mean this kind of pain cannot attack men and women who are not in post-menopausal time. They have the chance to experience it too, especially after the usage of corticosteroid.
  12. Lower back pain in female during pregnancy can be caused by kidney disorders. There are a few things to avoid in order to be safe and prevent causes of low back pain in female.
  13. Lower left back pain in women caused by muscular injury may come from the over-activities. You should know that Lower left back pain in women indeed has more triggers than in men.

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Watch Video For Causes of Back Pain in Female

Lower Back Pain in Female During Pregnancy

Lower back pain in female often happen during pregnancy. No wonder since it is the hard times for some women due to the fact that when being pregnant, the body changes, not only the figure but also the hormones. That is why it is not surprising to know that there will be many complaints during pregnancy, like lower back pain in women. Some women have the lower left back pain in their first months of pregnancy until the birth, which means it lasts during the pregnancy. Some women only experience it during the fifth to seventh month. It is actually impossible to ignore the lower back pain in female during pregnancy since it can affect the daily activity.

The Kinds of Lower Back Pain in Women During Pregnancy

causes of low back pain in female

There are three kinds of low back pain in female during pregnancy:

The first one:

The pain you feel whenever you stand or sit.

The second is:

The pain that comes only at night.

The third is:

The pain at the deep of your buttocks or at the back of the pelvis.

All of them are the result of stretching the abdominal muscles to make room for your child. This stretched muscle imbalances the pelvis since the pelvis cannot stabilize it anymore. Because of that, the back muscle handles it. And the pressure is actually too much for the back muscle. That is why lower back pain in women and lower back pain in men happen. Lower right abdominal pain and Lower left back pain in female are somehow related too.

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How to relieve the low back pain in female?

Actually, there are some ways to relieve lower back pain in women during pregnancy before it is getting unbearable.

causes of low back pain in female

The first is:

Try to maintain the best posture. Do not force yourself to have the strict posture that may be painful.

The second is:

Do not wear high-heels shoes. You should know that the pressure of high-heels can increase the lower back pain in female.

The third is:

Do not lift any heavy things. Lifting heavy things also can worsen the lower left back pain in female.

The fourth is:

Do not stand in a too-long time. If you think you cannot handle it anymore, just sit down. It will decrease the lower back pain in female indeed.

The fifth is:

Wear the maternity belt. It will support your belly and relieve the lower back pain in women.

The sixth is:

You can invest an ergonomic chair to reduce the pain too.

The seventh is:

You do have to try to sleep on your comfortable side. It is useful to relieve the lower back pain in female at night.

The eighth is:

Try to have a warm-water bath. The warm bath will relax the stress muscles and help reducing the lower left back pain in female.

If those ways still do not work, then it means that you have to talk to your doctor to have the safe pain killer for the lower back pain in women.

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