tummy tuck muscle repair failure

How To Fix Tummy Tuck Muscle Repair Failure? – Fitoont

Tummy tuck muscles repair failure is a relaxation of the stomach and the muscles of the abdominal wall, which is visible as a bulging of the tummy tuck during physical exercises or during muscular effort.

The risk factors for diastasis of the tummy tuck muscles are:

  • Aging of the abdominal wall which relaxes.
  • Consequences of pregnancy (postpartum) and childbirth.
  • Significant weight gain during pregnancy.
  • Occupational disease.

The tummy tuck muscle repair failure consists of repairing the muscular wall of the belly and improving the shape of the belly. Treating tummy tuck diastasis can relieve stomach and back pain as well.

Who is tummy tuck muscle failure repair for?

  • Discomfort on the aesthetic level “pregnant woman’s belly” or after “tummy tuck surgery“.
  • Limitation in the practice of sport.
  • Abdominal symptoms (pain, constipation) and back pain.
  • Pelvic floor pain.
  • Painful hernia.

What are the procedures for treatment of abdominoplasty failure repair?

Before the intervention

Plastic surgery consultations with your surgeon to analyze the tummy tuck and determine the operating strategy that suits your case.

The first step in determining for an umbilical hernia with clinical examination, or an abdominal wall ultrasound may be ordered.

All you have to do is lie down and raise your legs to provoke a muscular effort: if you have sagging, you will notice a bulge in your abdomen accompanied by a possible hernia of the white line or an umbilical hernia.

How to facilitate recovery?
  • Stop smoking at least one month before the operation and one month after it.
  • Stop taking aspirin and anti-inflammatories during the week before the operation.

Treatment process of tummy tuck failure

The surgery lasts in the operating room two to three hours, depending on the technique used. As it requires general anaesthesia.

The plastic surgeon repairs the tummy tuck muscle failure in the midline. The surgical technique is to make stitches in the abdominal wall muscles and possibly create an abdominal plate (prosthesis) to strengthen the rectus muscles. An abdominoplasty scar is placed at the level of the pubis.

We can fully associate in the same intervention an aesthetic improvement of the abdominal wall by liposuction, mini abdominoplasty or full abdominoplasty and removal of excess skin.

After the operation, there is a period of approximately 15 days of bruising (bruising) and edema (swelling). Work can be resumed after 15 to 21 days.

You will be able to benefit from work stoppage if the intervention is covered by Social Security.

Physical therapy tips after repair the tummy tuck muscle failure
  • Do not carry heavy loads.
  • Do not exercise for a month.
  • Avoid stress.
  • The compression sheath must be worn for 6 weeks.
  • The final result will be evaluated after one year

The postoperative course

Most patients will find that their tummy tuck muscles are tightening after surgery. This is perfectly normal.

The surgery causes swelling. This is part of the recovery process, but edema can also cause pain.

While each patient recovers at their own pace, you can expect pain and swelling for at least two weeks.

You can resume walking the day after the operation, this will improve blood circulation, help your muscles become more flexible and speed up the healing process.

It is important to reduce swelling as much as possible. That’s why, we make you wear a compression garment for a few weeks after surgery.

As the tummy tuck procedure progresses, patients will notice a difference in their appearance and the way their clothing fits.

Many patients find that a tummy tuck improves their self-confidence, making them look younger and more energetic.

You will immediately notice an improvement in the circumference of your abdomen. However, you can expect swollen and bruised tummy tucks for the first 14 days.

Physical Therapy for post-operative of tummy tuck muscle repair failure
  • Patients should avoid heavy physical activities and bending or stooping for 30 days.
  • After this time, your body should recover enough to resume most non-strenuous activities as well as light exercise.
  • The final morphological result is visible between 6 months and 1 year after the operation.

FAQ about tummy tuck muscle repair failure

Is tummy tuck muscles failure treatment hurt?

Each patient experiences pain differently. But, in general, recovery from a tummy tuck muscles failure is quite tolerable for most patients. They are uncomfortable, yes, but any pain can be managed with medication we prescribe.

How do I know if the repair of the tummy tuck muscles failured ?

tummy tuck muscle tightening and separation of the tummy tuck muscles is relatively easy to detect, although it can sometimes go unnoticed. They usually appear as a gap that can be observed along the midline of the abdomen, above or below the navel. When you work hard, you can notice flatulence.

How is tummy tuck muscles failure corrected?

The treatment is only surgical, and consists in reconstructing the abdominal wall using muscle sutures. Exercise and rehabilitation cannot cure abdominal muscle failure, but after surgery your physiotherapist will guide you on how to rehabilitate your abdominal muscles.

What causes abdominoplasty muscles failure?

Tummy tuck muscles failure occurs as a result of excessive tightening of the tummy tuck muscles and loosening of the abdominal girdle. This pathology can be accompanied by a hernia, posture disorders and even static spinal disorders.

Tummy tuck muscle repair failure can accentuated during physical exercise and relaxation, until it disappears at rest.

If you need to know pictures before and after tummy tuck, click here: tummy tuck before and after

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