Diet Systems

We offer you all the internationally approved diet systems with how to use them to suit your weight and health in order to avoid all the side effects of them, as you should know that not all food systems are suitable for all people.

Here you will find out how to choose the diet that best suits your health and financial condition

Vegan Diet Plan To Lose 7 kilograms in 2 weeks

Diet For Vegetarians After Bariatric Surgery – Fitoont

Changing to (or maintaining) a vegan Bariatric diet is possible and may be safe after surgery, however, every Bariatric patient must be very committed to taking proper supplementation and sticking to a balanced nutrition plan. Vegetarian people tend to eat vegetables without meat. And the diet for vegetarian ​was specially developed for them to respond …

Diet For Vegetarians After Bariatric Surgery – Fitoont Read More »

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