hip dips surgery

Hip Dips Surgery To Achieve My Curves Silhouette – Fitoont

Hip dips surgery is a cosmetic treatment in which fat from the hip and thigh area is injected or removed. The goal of this procedure is:

  • To remove indentations from your hips.
  • To create a smooth, curved line from your hips to your thighs.

This article will walk you through the steps, dangers, and potential problems of hip dips surgery, as well as anything else you need to know if you’re considering it. (SOURCE)

What exactly are hip dips?

We are accustomed to seeing a streamlined, semicircular shape with curves at the hips and thighs in popular depictions of the body, particularly women’s bodies. While we consider this to be a “normal” or attractive appearance, many people’s bodies do not resemble this.

The indentations in your hips around the curve of your hips are referred to as “hip dips” or “violin hips” When the skin on the sides of your hips adheres more securely to the trochanter, the deeper section of your thigh bone, indentations might form.

These indentations can be made more noticeable by the distribution and amount of fat in your body. There’s nothing wrong with doing a hip dip from an anatomical standpoint. They are not harmful to your health. However, lowering the hips might make some people feel self-conscious.

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What is hip dips surgery and how does it work?

Surgery to redistribute fat in the hips is known as hip dips surgery (also called liposculpting). This implies that fat is absorbed from one part of your body before being pumped into the trochanter.

The goal of this fat transplant is to straighten the hips’ curvature. It can also be taken out of the oil immersion region to produce a more curved shape. Fat grafts can be replaced with artificial fillers or solid silicone implants.

What is the status of the procedure?

Hip dips surgery is generally performed as an outpatient operation. You will most likely be put under general anesthesia if your doctor recommends it.

Surgical procedures

A liposuction treatment is used to remove fat from your body first. The fat in your hips, stomach, and inner thighs may all be eliminated. The fat will be removed through small incisions that will be stitched up and bandaged.
After that, the oil is prepared for re-injection back into your body. Blood and other fluids are removed from the oil using a machine that spins it away.
After that, the fat will be injected into your hip region. Stitches are usually not required at the injection site.

Upkeep and recuperation

You’ll need someone to transport you home following a fat grafting surgery, even if you don’t need to stay in the hospital overnight. For a few weeks following the fat transfer, there may be some pain at the injection and incision sites. Bruising and discomfort might continue up to two weeks.

It’s possible that you won’t feel the effects of your hip dips surgery immediately soon. The fat transplant may take up to 6 months to become completely effective.

Who would be an excellent candidate?

Nonsmokers with high sensitivity skin elasticity who are within 30% of their optimum body weight and have no previous history of bleeding problems may be suitable candidates for liposuction treatments like hip dip surgery.

If you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight (25 pounds or more), have an auto-immune or bleeding problem, or are on blood thinners, your doctor may advise you against hip dips surgery.

When it comes to hip dips surgery, those who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder or other disorders that promote body dysmorphia should be exceedingly careful. It’s critical to realise that the outcome of this operation is uncertain, and there’s no way to ensure the outcomes you want.

It’s also worth mentioning that your body can absorb 33 to 74 percent of the fat injected into your hip region during a hip drop in the first year after surgery. As a result, you might wish to think about having more fat grafting surgeries done.

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Is it secure?

Liposuction and fat grafting are considered low-risk and uncomplicated treatments. However, like with any operation, there is always the possibility of consequences, some of which are significant.

Following hip dips surgery, the following are common adverse effects:
  • Fat migration or pitting at the injection site bruising and discomfort at the incision or injection location.
  • In the region where the fat was taken or injected wound, there was edema and bleeding.
  • Hip dips surgery might result in a fever and drainage at the operative site in rare situations. This might be a sign of infection.

Risk minimization

To reduce your chance of hip dips surgical problems, strictly follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations.

Here are a few more pointers:
  • Clean and dry the area where the incisions were made.
  • Do not go near water, pools, or hot tubs until your doctor says it’s okay.
  • Don’t hurry back to heavy physical exercise until your doctor says it’s okay.
  • This operation should be performed by a licensed, competent health care practitioner (this will greatly reduce your chances of developing infection or other complications from surgery).

How much does it cost?

Hip dip surgery is purely cosmetic. This implies it isn’t covered by health insurance.

You must pay for the whole operation, including anesthesia and hospital expenses, out of your own money. You may need to add in the time you’ll have to take off to recover when calculating the expense of this operation.

Hip hip surgery costs vary based on the cost of living in your location and the amount of skill of your physician. According to patients who have had hip augmentations and have reported their costs on the RealSelf website, prices can range from $8,000 to $11,000.

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What is the best way to locate a board-certified surgeon?

It’s critical to locate a health care practitioner that is certified and board-certified to conduct hip reduction surgery if you’re contemplating it. Hip dip surgery is easy and low-risk, but only if the surgeon has the necessary skills and experience.

You might start by utiliئing the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ search engine to identify a plastic surgeon in your region. You can then schedule an appointment with a possible health care provider.

Bring a list of questions regarding expenses, recuperation time, and the outcomes you may expect.Inquire about the provider’s experience with hip retraction surgery and request to see before and after photos.

Any medical problems, drugs, or supplements you’re taking, as well as any past cosmetic operations, should all be disclosed. A skilled cosmetic surgeon will be open and honest about what to expect from hip retraction surgery and will demonstrate that there is no way to ensure a flawless hourglass figure even after this treatment.

Before proposing a surgical treatment, a skilled surgeon may suggest that you attempt exercise and nutrition modifications.

Exercises for hip dips

Workout that targets the area surrounding your hip dips can help you alter the curvature of your hips. Exercise is a safer and less expensive alternative to surgery for reducing the appearance of hip depressions.

Side hip openers, lunges, squats, and side squats are examples of hip and thigh workouts that can tighten and lengthen the muscles linked to your thighs.

Curving your thighs and buttocks may be achieved by eating a diet rich in leafy green vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Hip Dips Surgery Before and After with Video


Hip Dips Surgery Before and After with Pictures

Hip Dips Surgery Before and After  Hip Dips Surgery Before and After Hip Dips Surgery Before and After


The most important takeaway

  • Retraction of the hips. Some folks may rather have a more defined silhouette.
  • Diet and exercise, as well as shrinking, can assist to decrease the look of a dropped hip.
  • These tasks were accomplished as part of an Iranian program in which things can be done in things that can be done.

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