25 Best Tea You Should Drink To Lose Belly Fat - Fitoont

30 Best Tea You Should Drink To Lose Belly Fat – Fitoont

Drinking tea to lose belly fat is one of the best and most effective ways and speed up weight loss with complete a balanced and natural diet. (Source)

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There are many types of tea drinks that help lose belly fat, such as:

  1. Cinnamon tea with anise and lemon.
  2. Green tea with one teaspoon of matcha.
  3. Pineapple and cinnamon tea to lose belly fat.
  4. Peach and mint tea.
  5. Honeysuckle tea.
  6. Ginger and pineapple tea.
  7. Peppermint tea.
  8. Ginger and lemon tea to lose belly fat.
  9. Oregano tea to lose belly fat.
  10. Laurel and cinnamon tea.
  11. Rosemary tea.
  12. Green tea with blackberries.
  13. Turmeric tea to lose belly fat.
  14. Oolong tea.
  15. Jamaica tea with cinnamon (Hibiscus tea).
  16. Parsley tea.
  17. Green tea.
  18. Mate tea with lemon.
  19. Celery tea.
  20. Chamomile tea.
  21. Fenugreek tea with artichoke.
  22. Anise tea
  23. Floral tea.
  24. Red tea.
  25. Pu-Erh tea
  26. White tea
  27. Pure Artichoke herbal tea without Fenugreek
  28. Rooibos tea
  29. Horsetail tea
  30. Burdock Tea

As all of these types help reduce fluid retention and a feeling of satiety and increase metabolism, thus burning more fat belly.

Good info you need to know because there are amazing strategies and plans for using your tea beverage, including, for example, adding a pinch of red pepper to your tea.

As red pepper is a thermogenic food that helps increase metabolism, and thus works to reduce belly fat.

And beware of these types of drinks if you are a pregnant woman. Although they are healthy options that help you lose belly fat, you should consult your doctor.

1- Try cinnamon tea with anise and lemon.

Try cinnamon tea with anise and lemon.

Cinnamon is one of the most important anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is also believed to help you lose belly fat by increasing fat burning.

2- Double the benefits of green tea with one teaspoon of matcha.

Double the benefits of green tea with one teaspoon of matcha

It is believed that the powder of this type of matcha tea helps in losing belly fat significantly without any harm because it naturally burns fat, speeds up the metabolism, and burns calories.

Also, one of its great benefits is that it reduces harmful cholesterol and blood sugar.

3- Pineapple and cinnamon tea together is a good weight loss beverage.

In addition to being delicious, pineapple is an excellent anti-inflammatory and helps eliminate excess water in the body.

In fact, it is one of the fruits most used when it comes to losing weight.

4- Peach and mint tea to get rid of belly fat and rejuvenate your activity.

Peach and mint tea to lose belly fat and refresh your.

Peaches stimulate the metabolism, which leads to the natural loss of belly fat.

Mix it with some mint leaves for a refreshing effect.

5- Honeysuckle tea is a natural cleanser that helps detoxify the liver.

Honeysuckle tea is a natural cleanser that helps detoxify the liver

The tea of this flower is diuretic and excellent for the kidneys.

Among its benefits is that it is a natural laxative that cleans the intestines, which in turn speeds up the metabolism process and prevents food from staying in the intestine for a long time.

6- Ginger tea with pineapple.

Ginger tea with pineapple

Ginger and pineapple tea is one of the best teas for flat stomachs, as it increases the metabolism and helps the body burn more calories, produces a feeling of satiety and helps improve bowel function, as it is rich in natural fibers.

It should be consumed throughout the day between meals.

For best results, it is recommended to follow a healthy diet and engage in regular physical activity.

7- Peppermint tea helps in getting rid of excess belly fat.

Peppermint tea helps in getting rid of excess belly fat

Peppermint tea is a miracle remedy that helps you get rid of the pounds accumulated in the stomach overnight.

It is a healthy vegetable that can support an eating plan for weight loss in several ways, especially rumen.

8- Drink ginger and lemon tea in the morning and evening.

Drink ginger and lemon tea in the morning and evening.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.

Because it is a thermogenic food, its consumption speeds up the performance of the metabolic process and, as a result, it increases calorie burning and belly fat disposal.

Football Player Ronaldo recently implies that ginger and lemon tea is his perfect ally to avoid belly fat gain. Take it with breakfast and in the evening.

9- Drink antioxidants with oregano tea to lose belly fat.

With the strong flavor of oregano, you can distract you from the food and feel a filling appetite while filling up with antioxidants.

10- Laurel and cinnamon tea remove toxins and give energy.

Laurel and cinnamon tea remove toxins and give energy.

In addition to removing toxins from the body, this tea will fill you with energy throughout the day that will shut off your appetite.

Laurel, for its part, is great for getting rid of excess fluid.

So it is an ideal combination to help us lose weight, especially belly fat.

11- Drink rosemary tea to empty your stomach.

Drink rosemary tea to empty your stomach

If you are one of those who suffer from fluid retention, “rosemary tea” would be one of your best allies, as it is considered a diuretic and stomach stimulator.

12- Green tea with blackberries

Green tea with blackberries

Green tea with blackberries is useful for having a flat stomach without accumulating fat, as it helps reduce appetite, and among its benefits is that it helps reduce water retention thanks to its diuretic properties.

This tea should be drunk before main meals such as lunch and dinner for a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

13- Consume turmeric tea to activate digestion.

Consume turmeric tea to activate digestion

Turmeric is a good ally for some digestive disorders, as it stimulates secretions and aids digestion.

It is very good to drink turmeric tea on an empty stomach, as it is believed to help you burn belly fat.

14- Oolong tea helps fight excess weight.

Oolong tea helps fight excess belly fat.


Oolong tea, also known as the blue dragon, helps fight excess and accumulated belly fat by increasing the metabolism and helping to burn fat naturally.

The researchers concluded that consuming a lot of blue tea can prevent obesity, in addition to preventing high levels of harmful cholesterol.

In a recent study of 200 obese people, 75% of individuals who drank 5 grams of Oolong per day lost more than 2 kg, and 25% lost more than 4 kg.

You might not find it in the supermarket, but in natural and organic food stores like spice stores.

15- Jamaica tea with cinnamon.

Jamaica tea with cinnamon

Hibiscus tea, or known as Jamaican water, is useful for losing belly fat, as it helps reduce fluid retention by emptying the body due to its diuretic effect.

And it also helps in better digestion through the presence of cinnamon in its composition.

You can drink it sweet or unsweetened. This tea should be drunk 3 to 4 times a day, half an hour before the main meals.

16- Get a flat stomach with parsley tea.

Parsley helps empty and lose belly weight in an instant.

Drink it in tea daily for a month and you’ll see a big difference in your belly fat level.

It should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, as directed by a dietitian.

17- Include green tea, pineapple and cloves in your diet.

Include green tea, pineapple and cloves in your diet.

Green tea has antioxidant and fat burning properties.

Due to the diuretic and purifying properties of pineapple, as well as their high content of natural fibers and water, they make it an impeccable weapon when it comes to losing belly fat for a flat stomach.

It has many innumerable benefits, such as:
  • Contains anti-diabetic materials.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Anti-mutagenic.
  • Pain relief.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antimicrobials.

18. Mate tea with lemon

Mate tea with lemon helps to lose belly fat, as it increases the feeling of satiety and increases metabolism, and it is preferred to burn more calories.

In addition, it reduces swelling in the body due to its diuretic effect.

19- Say goodbye to belly fat retention with celery tea to lose belly fat.

say goodbye to belly fat retention with celery tea to lose belly fat

Celery is an excellent natural diuretic, thanks to its high potassium and sodium content.

It has many benefits such as: preventing fluid retention, promoting the loss of belly fat, it contains digestive properties, and it is considered one of the best antioxidant drinks.

Therefore, in addition to adding it to your meals, you must also include celery tea in your daily diet.

20- Chamomile tea to lose belly fat and will relax you and you can sleep great.

chamomile tea to lose belly fat and will relax you and you can sleep great.

Many of the belly fat problems start with trouble sleeping, Chamomile is an ideal relaxant for falling asleep.

21- Fenugreek tea with artichoke.

Fenugreek tea with artichoke

Fenugreek tea with artichoke helps burn belly fat, as it generates a greater sense of fullness and relieves constipation as it is rich in natural fibers.

Also among its benefits is that it increases the metabolism process, which helps burn belly fat and the whole body, thus, due to its diuretic effect, it helps reduce fluid retention.

This tea should be drunk 3 times a day between meals.

22- Anise tea is an excellent diuretic and helps flush out toxins from the body.

Anise tea is an excellent diuretic and helps flush out toxins from the body.

In addition to helping fight indigestion or stomach upset, star anise is an excellent diuretic, which helps flush out fluids from the body and thus eliminate toxins.

23- Floral tea to lose belly fat and gives you a feeling of fullness.


Floral tea gives you a feeling of fullness

Floral tea helps us maintain the feeling of satiety.

24- Red tea to lose belly fat.

red tea to lose belly fat

Red tea is a variety of teas that have been fermented that have low caffeine and belly fat eliminating properties.

In a study conducted by a Canadian university, they found that many men were able to lose 2 kg on average more than those who took an inactive placebo.

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25- Pu-Erh tea

the slimming Pu-Erh tea

The Pu-Erh is a Chinese black tea that has been fermented. It owes its name to the city of Pu’er in China, where it was made.

Some animal studies have shown that Pu-Erh black tea helps lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels.
Other studies have also shown that this slimming tea stimulates belly fat loss.

In one study, 70 people were given one capsule of Pu-Erh black tea per day for three months.
At the end of the study, the people who consumed the capsule had lost one kilo more than the people who consumed the placebo.

Too few studies currently exist on this tea to draw definitive conclusions, but this tea may well help you find the line more easily.

26- White tea

the white slimming tea to lose belly fat

The white tea is a type of tea a bit more rare. The white tea leaves are picked very young and the leaves are untreated.

In a test tube study, the results showed that green tea increased the breakdown of fat cells, and prevented new fat cells from being created!

Be careful, however, these studies were only conducted in test tubes, and we do not know the real impact on the human body.

However, white tea could be a great slimming tea for your belly fat loss.

27- Pure Artichoke herbal tea without Fenugreek

artichoke herbal tea

Artichoke promotes liver secretion and excretion of bile, promotes their excretion, promotes cleansing of organisms and promotes good fat digestion.
Hence, artichoke infusion is a belly fat loss ally that cannot be ignored.

28- Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is the best killer belly fat

The name “herbal tea” is usually understood to mean the soaking of herbs, spices or fruits in hot water; However, since they are not camellias, they are not real teas. Some very popular varieties of these infusions are chamomile, pennyroyal, Rooibos, ginger, rose hip or hibiscus.

The ingredients and formulas of Herbal Tea can be varied, usually from ancient traditional medicines, where herbs are used to treat various symptoms such as upset stomach, dizziness, and constipation.

Recent studies have shown that these teas are also helpful in belly fat loss diets. Rooibos is a herbal medicine whose infusion is particularly effective in improving fat metabolism.

29- Horsetail tea

Horsetail to burn belly fatHorsetail is a powerful and natural diuretic. Horsetail tea is good for losing belly fat as it helps release excess water in the body and stimulate the metabolism.

The silicon content of helps drain metabolic waste products and cleanse the human body. It is suitable for those who are on a strict diet and want quick results without major sacrifices.

30- Burdock Tea

burdock tea to purify body

This root has bactericidal, alkalization, laxative, antibacterial, perspiration, diuretic, stomachic, detoxification, choleretic, antibacterial, hypoglycemic, analgesic, healing, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Ingredients: a sprig of burdock and water.
Preparation: Boil water and roots together, filter and serve hot.

To Sum Up

While many people drink tea to relax and enjoy its flavor, every cup of tea can also have many health benefits.
Replacing tea with ordinary fruit juice or soft drinks (sweetened) reduces total calories and leads to belly fat loss.

In addition, many teas are particularly rich in health-promoting compounds such as: flavonoids and antioxidants.
When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, drinking a cup or two of tea a day can help Reduce weight and burn belly fat.

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