vertebrogenic low back pain

Vertebrogenic Low Back Pain Syndrome and Treatment – Fitoont

Spinal pain is a problem that a person can face at any age. Sudden pain can appear in any part of the back: in the cervical region, chest, lower back, on the right or along the central line. In today’s article, we will talk about vertebrogenic low back pain, how to diagnose it, and how to prevent and treat it?

What is this syndrome?

The term “vertebrogenic low back pain” refers to a broad word used by doctors to describe a variety of lower back aches. That instance, lumbalgia is a lumbar pain condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. The use of the term “vertebrogenic” implies that the aetiology of these aches is related to spinal illnesses.

Vertebrogenic low back pain cannot be considered a full-fledged illness since pathology, which is actually a result or complication of other spine disorders, only has one symptom – pain. Moreover, depending on the kind and features of the disease, the degree and nature of the pain may vary.

Low back pain can be acute, subacute, or chronic. It can happen as a result of a sudden shock, twisting or tilting, or lifting weights.


According to data, pain syndrome with vertebrogenic low back pain is one of the most common causes for seeing a doctor. This is not unexpected considering that lumbalgia is frequently associated with a common ailment known as “osteochondrosis“. The prevalence of which is estimated to be about 80% globally. People may be unaware of the condition until they experience discomfort.

When the motor nerve fibres of the spinal cord are compressed owing to diseases of the spinal column, there is a long-term, stable tension-flexor muscles. Despite the fact that the extensor muscles stay relaxed, around 85 percent of patients experience tonic muscular discomfort. They refer to this as vertebrogenic low back pain with muscular-tonic syndrome.

Vertebrogenic Low Back Pain Causes

As previously stated, clinicians regard low back pain of vertebrogenic genesis as a consequence of pre-existing illnesses, emphasizing diagnosis and therapy. But what are the causes, or rather the disease, that might cause the emergence of lumbar chronic pain syndrome?

Scientists believe the following disorders are responsible for the development of vertebrogenic low back pain :

  • Backbone osteochondrosis (development of the dystrophic process in intervertebral discs and cartilage).
  • Protrusion of a disc in the thoracic or lumbar spine (protrusion of the disc into the spine, where it can compress nerves and blood vessels).
  • Herniated intervertebral disc (displaced disc with rupture of the fibrous ring).
  • Tumor growth along the spine.
  • Formation of bony outgrowths along the vertebral margins (spondylosis).
  • Inflammatory mechanisms in the spine cause vertebral resolution and spine deformity (spondylitis).
  • Vertebral displacement (spondylolisthesis).
  • The spine’s curvature (scoliosis).
  • Vertebral instabilities.
  • Destruction of spine bone tissues (osteoporosis).
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew’s disease, in which spinal motion is restricted and back muscular tension develops, culminating in a chronic pain condition).
  • Inflammatory-degenerative alterations in the intervertebral joints, as seen in arthritis and spine arthrosis.
  • Spine development problems that occur at birth.
  • Stenosis of the lumbar spine’s cerebral canal.
  • Spinal cord injury

Risk factor’s

All of the illnesses listed above have a pain syndrome in their clinical picture, however it only appears at particular times. As a result, the following are risk factors for the development of vertebrogenic low back pain:

  • Mechanical injury to the spine and adjacent tissues can occur as a result of bruising, blows, falls, rapid movements, or excessive physical activity.
  • Hypodynamics and sedentary labour place an additional strain on the spine.
  • When the spine is long and curved, it is difficult to stand for lengthy periods of time and work in the garden.
  • Relapses of systemic infectious diseases
  • Platyposis (this pathology has a negative effect on the spine, increasing the load and causing a curvature of the spine).
  • Lifting weights, for example, is an example of an exercise that places a significant strain on the spine.
  • Excess weight, which causes injuries and significant physical effort on the spine.
  • The phase of puberty during which the skeleton is actively growing.
  • Menopause, with its distinctive osteoporosis of the bones.
  • Pregnancy against the backdrop of dorsal muscle weakness

All of the aforementioned variables have an adverse effect on the state of our spine. This results in the development of numerous spine illnesses, which are accompanied by nerve fibre and artery damage, inflammation, and muscular spasms, with pain as a common symptom.


Two significant elements that might induce lower back pain are examined in the aetiology of this illness. We’re talking about two different types of syndromes: reflex and compression. The vertebrogenic lumbar area takes on a reflex shape as a result of stimulation of sensitive receptors in the spine and surrounding soft tissues. An inflammatory disease in the lumbar area or a back injury in the same spot might induce reflex low back pain. Pain syndrome raises muscle tone and causes spasms; tight muscles can then transmit blood vessels and nerve fibres, exacerbating the problem and pushing pain into the chronic category.
Compression Compression of nerve roots and arteries around the spine, as well as the spinal cord itself, causes low back discomfort. Pathologically altered vertebrae and spinal discs cause compression. In this scenario, vertebrogenic low back pain is regarded as a secondary effect of spinal illnesses.
Vertebrogenic lumbargia symptoms
1- The predominant symptom of a spinal disorder is pain:

It can vary in type, severity and duration. Patients often complain of severe stabbing sensations that significantly reduce their quality of life. Fluctuations and inclinations, as well as weight lifting, cause or amplify painful feelings. In the acute type of back pain, attacks of pain can occur at any time, and therefore a person tries to take a position that reduces the severity of symptoms.

The location of the pain is determined by the side of the violation. So, on the right, vertebral low back pain is defined by symptoms on the right side, while on the left side, it is characterized by pain on the left side. In this case, a person can accurately depict a painful site. True, there are times when bilateral compression occurs. The patient may feel discomfort in the lower back in this scenario.

2- Radical syndrome is a possibility with vertebral back pain:

This is a concurrent disease characterized by failure of the spinal nerve roots as a result of compression, hypoxia or trophic abnormalities. Sensory, motor, and autonomic nerves can be damaged by impingement. The person will feel the reflection as well as the local distress at the place of loss.

Low back pain caused by the origin of the spine can spread to:

  • The lower limbs.
  • abdominal cavity.
  • buttocks.
  • genitals.
  • perineum.

This makes it difficult to determine the source. Vascular spasms can result from compressed nerve roots. And if the affected site is the lower back, the lower extremities can also be affected.

3- Cold of feet

Many patients with low back pain report that their feet are always cold, which is associated with peripheral circulatory difficulties. Although the feet are warm to the touch, this sensation of cold can be felt.

True, the state of pain from spinal lumbar pain may not immediately manifest itself. Early indications of pathology can be muscle tightness in the lower back that will not go away with a slight effort of willpower, as well as fatigue that occurs when a person needs to maintain the same position for a long period of time. weather.

When lying on the back or abdomen, pain in the back may appear, which is why many people find it difficult in the morning. Others are unable to sleep because of their feelings. A man must choose his side, then comfort comes.

It is difficult for a person with vertebral lower back pain to stand or sit for long periods of time. Back discomfort makes you want to rest on vertical surfaces and change positions frequently.

4- Loss sensation and numbness

Later signs and symptoms include loss of body sensation in the lower back and lower extremities, numbness in the affected area, and local and global heat.

These symptoms appear as a result of damage to sensitive nerve roots and an inflammatory process in the affected tissues.

5- Muscle spasm

Stress and lower back pain impede the motor activity of the spine because the person is afraid to move for fear of experiencing another pain attack. The muscle and nerve stress that occurs with the pain condition becomes a risk factor for the formation of muscle spasms, which create a small blockage in its place. These seals are known as trigger points. They are very painful and cause excruciating pain on contact, which is why many masturbate vigorously.

6- Muscle weakness

Vertebral low back pain may appear during adolescence, when the skeleton is actively growing against spinal instability and dorsal muscle weakness. External signs of excessive growth appear in the lumbar region, as well as the appearance of longitudinal lines on the skin, which will gradually fade.

Stages of spinal lumbar pain

Depending on the source of the disease, the pain in spondylo-arthrosis can be short and chronic, as well as recurrent. Thus, in injuries of the lower spine and scoliosis, the pain can be severe but diffuse, while in chronic cases such as low back pain, osteoarthritis or spinal arthritis, the pain is usually characterized by mild pain that occurs regularly and can be replaced by stronger and more severe pain in exacerbations .

There is often mild or severe pain with lower back pain. If there is severe pain in the piercing, it is referred to as lumbago which makes it difficult for the person to move and prevents them from changing positions to a more comfortable position.

There are three types of vertebrogenic low back pain pain:

1- Acute:

Acute spondylolisthesis is characterized by more severe pain caused by degenerative changes in the spine or traumatic injuries that lead to nerve roots and pinched blood vessels. Muscle tension and soreness on palpation, as well as stiffness of movements in the lumbar region, are all symptoms of this type of disease. The aches are severe and of moderate intensity, and occur when moving large weights or making rapid movements (inclines or turns of the spine).

It’s actually about back pain. In that case there is a sharp, piercing pain that prevents movement. Any movement aggravates the condition of the pain.

2- Subacute:

All the same symptoms are present in the subacute phase of the disease, although it is less severe. The pain may be severe or mild, and its intensity may be low or high. The intensity of the pain varies depending on the position of the body, but it rarely becomes difficult, as is the case with back pain.

3- Chronic:

Patients with a chronic disease, which occurs against the background of a long process of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the spine, complain of dull, often inconspicuous pain of low intensity, which prevents them from sleeping, relaxing the back, working, because physical activity is hypertrophied, ability On rest accompanied by a feeling of fatigue in the spine.

Chronic vertebrogenic low back pain progresses through two stages:

  • Remission occurs when the patient feels perfectly well and the disease itself is evocative of the spine during extended sitting or standing fatigue, minor discomfort in the absence of muscular tension in the lower back, and pain in the spine when pressed.
  • Exacerbation (relapse of the illness) stage with severe symptoms and pain syndrome of moderate intensity.

Exacerbation of the condition can result in hypothermia, infectious disorders, pregnancy, acute bends of the trunk, and even mild spine injuries.

Vertebrogenic low back pain, along with Cervicalgia (neck pain), thoracalgia (pain in the thoracic spine area), and disorders associated to the category dorsopathies, induce pain in the back.


Dorsopathy is a spine disease that is accompanied by a pain condition. It is classified into deforming and discogenic diseases, as well as spondylopathy, according on the aetiology. There are pain syndromes (dorsalgia) that originate from these illnesses and are localised in different areas of the back. Vertebrogenic lumbargia is a kind of back pain in which the pain originates in the lumbar area.

Complications and consequences

It should be noted that vertebrogenic low back pain is a pain condition that is common in many spinal diseases. A modest intrinsic low back discomfort, and even acute pain in low back pain, do not endanger human life, although negatively impacting the patient’s quality of life. The disorders that triggered the lower back discomfort might pose a considerably larger threat.

After all, pain always signifies the presence of a disease process in the body, which is usually inflammatory and degenerative in character, and it always impairs the functionality of the afflicted organ (in this example, the spine).

How do acute and chronic pain affect the patient’s life?

It may constitute a hindrance to job performance if it appears unexpectedly during working hours. If circumstances occur regularly, the employee must either take sick leave, which is usually not pleasant to manage, or find another job with less burden on the spine. The most challenging part is for those whose jobs require standing or sitting for long periods of time, moving large objects, or participating in sports.

1- Fails to fully relax and get enough sleep

Because the discomfort of vertebrogenic low back pain caused by anemia limits the number of sleeping and resting positions available, a person often fails to fully relax and get enough sleep.

Night pain causes frequent awakenings and makes it difficult to fall asleep. All this has an effect on the nervous system. A person becomes angry, tense and conflicted, which affects how he sees others at work, at home, and in his social group. Waiting for pain induces pain, which contributes to the tense state of the nervous system, which responds quickly to any stimuli. This simply makes things worse.

2- Hypodynamic

The fear of discomfort in the lower back can cause a person to reduce mobility, which leads to a dynamic hypo, which complicates practically all known diseases, including disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, spine and joints. Not realizing it, the person deteriorates.

3- Myotonic syndrome

But wait there is more. Most patients report low back pain caused by anemia in conjunction with myotonic syndrome, a condition in which the flexor muscles become hypertonic while the extensor muscles lose their ability to contract (hypotonic). The formation of trigger points on the flexor muscles, which react to acute pain, is associated with an increase in their tone. Extensor muscle atrophy and dysfunction can result from prolonged low blood pressure.

4- Scoliosis

It becomes difficult for a person to straighten the curvature, so he begins to curvature the upper part of the spine, sloping shoulders, which leads to the inadvertent development of scoliosis and stasis in the lumbar region. Tendon reflexes and muscle performance deterioration over time not only in the spine, but also in the legs (in the knee region), which indicates a neurological problem.


Despite the fact that the discomfort of windy genesis with lower back pain does not pose a threat to the patient’s life, it can significantly change it. As a result, you cannot stand this condition. It is very important to conduct a diagnostic examination, determine the source of the pain and do everything possible to make sure that the discomfort does not remind you of yourself.

Diagnosis vertebrogenic lumbargia

Back discomfort is a common sign of many diseases. They can manifest as infectious and non-infectious muscle inflammation, lung and pleural pathologies, spine disorders, traumas, and even gastrointestinal and heart pathologies (radiation pain). It is nearly hard to tell by sight what type of sickness caused the development of vertebrogenic low back pain. As a result, any information provided by the patient is valuable to the doctor.

A physical examination for back pain includes the following steps:

  • The examination of visible symptoms (side asymmetry, vertebral bulge, spine curvature).
  • Palpation (in the affected area the tension of the soft tissues is usually noted, painful seals can be palpated, etc.)
  • Listening (to rule out pulmonary and heart diseases).
  • Percussion (to test tendon and muscle reflexes).

The doctor pays particular attention to the location and type of the pains, which he may deduce from the patient’s remarks, as well as how they fluctuate with body position and job performed. Because vertebrogenic low back pain is usually a sign of pre-existing disorders for which treatment has not been carried out or has failed, the anamnesis study gives information regarding the likely causes of pain. Patients are given the following tests as a standard:

1- A generic urine test and a clinical blood test:

However, we must keep in mind that laboratory tests do not play a significant part in pathology diagnosis. A blood test can detect the existence of an inflammatory process, but it’s unclear where it flows. Urinalysis is required to confirm or rule out the pain phenomenon known as renal colic, which often occurs in the context of kidney disease. Kidney discomfort is typically hidden in the back, making it difficult to tell apart from lumbago.

2- X-rays of lower back:

Because the reasons of pain in the lumbar area with vertebrogenic lumbalgia are internal, the results of instrumental diagnosis will be the most important in this instance. And, given we’re dealing about discomfort caused by a spinal condition, the first step should be to schedule X-rays of your lower back (sometimes in combination with the breast, because the inflammatory-dystrophic process pathology has distributed property).

The x-ray best depicts the status of the spine’s bone structure, as well as its form. The interposition of the vertebrae, as well as the change in their size and form, can be seen in the photograph. If more precise information regarding the structure of the spine is required, computed tomography is recommended, which allows for the creation of a three-dimensional image of the human skeleton and the detection of abnormalities that are not visible on a typical plane scan.

3- MRI for lower back:

Because soft tissues on X-ray are less solid than those observed, an MRI scan may be required if myositis, tumour processes, or soft tissue injuries are suspected. Because it does not employ X-rays, which are permeable to muscles, cartilage, and tendons, this examination is deemed more desirable for these disorders.

Differential diagnosis

Dorsopathies, one of which is vertebrogenic low back pain, encompass a number of additional pain syndromes with symptoms that are comparable to the pathology described:

1- Vertebrogenic thoracalgia:

It is a kind of spinal pain that affects the thoracic portion of the spine.

2- Cervical discomfort:

It is referred to as vertebrogenic cervicalgia. However, although cervical disorders seldom cause pain in the lower back (her occipital pain and discomfort in the upper portion of the shoulders are more common), diseases of the thoracic spine might be difficult to diagnose. In the case of thoracalgia, there is mirrored pain in both the shoulder and lower back regions.

3- Ischialgia with vertebrogenic low back pain:

Ischialgia is a type of pain condition in which the aches are concentrated in the lumbar area. The failure of the sciatic nerve, one of the biggest nerves responsible for innervating the buttocks and legs, is the source of pain in this scenario. Aside from lower back discomfort, severe feelings can be felt in the buttocks, hips, legs, and even feet. We are not discussing reflex discomfort in this instance (what is reflected in this case will be lower back pain). The lower extremity pain condition will be more severe than the lower back pain syndrome.

The doctor diagnoses lumbago if the patient observes discomfort in the buttocks, back of the thighs, and lower legs without touching the foot, in addition to lower back pain. Both the spinal roots and the sciatic nerve are damaged in this condition.

Vertebrogenic lumbar pain treatment

Vertebrogenic lumbalgia is, first of all, a terrible pain condition, in severe forms of the disease, it is very severe and becomes a hindrance to normal activity. Obviously, the primary goal of lumbar therapy is pain relief.


Vertebral low back pain is a condition that should be considered as one of the signs of vertebral anomalies. Muscle spasms and nerve root injury enhance the patient’s sensitivity to pain. All of which are caused by spinal problems. It turns out that the prevention of back pain is a group of measures aimed at preventing disorders of the spine that cause discomfort in the lower back. Simple measures can help prevent degenerative changes in the tissues of the spine such as:

  • Increasing physical activity (without fanaticism).
  • A balanced diet.
  • Avoiding harmful habits

1- Do these exercises daily

Morning exercises, regular walks outdoors, swimming, cycling, and a variety of sports can help keep your spine in good shape for many years to come.

2- Avoid bad movements

Many bad habits have a negative effect on diseases of the spine, which can eventually lead to excruciating lower back pain such as:

  • Deciduous movements.
  • Lifting and carrying heavy objects.
  • Fascination with fast food.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Other low quality products with harmful additives.
  • Smoking.
  • alcoholic
  • Excessive eating and the appearance of excess weight.
  • Lack of exercise, you will have to work sedentary.

3- Avoid sitting for a long period of time

If a person has to sit for a long period of time (for example, when working on the Internet), he should be aware that his back is under the most pressure at this time and may tire quickly. Let her rest, take a little walk, and do some relaxation techniques. Even if you have a busy work schedule, you should make time for physical activity and walking for your health. This can only help in increasing the productivity of workers.

4- Exercise your body to avoid vertebrogenic low back pain

You should incorporate at least a short set of physical exercises for different parts of the spine, upper and lower extremities into your daily routine. We must realize that our body is a united body. And failures in one area may cause problems in other sections. As a result, you have to train the whole organism.

5- Stretch the spine

The vis on the horizontal bar must be included in the series of exercises. This simple exercise stretches the spine. And helps to avoid many of its diseases. As well as diseases of other organs that are affected by spinal deformities. Almost all human disorders are thought to be associated with deterioration in the health and ability to function of the spine.

6- The right approach to lift weights

One thing to keep in mind when lifting weights is that one requirement must be met. Take a heavy object and place it in a sitting posture, not on a slant. As a result, we shift pressure away from the spine to the lower extremities. Which have fewer joints and are therefore more resistant to stress.

7- Healthy eating to prevent from vertebrogenic low back pain

Among the foods that help maintain the health of the joints of the spine and extremities, they are rich in the following:

  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorous;
  • Vitamins D, C, F.
  • Mucopolysaccharides.
  • Dishes based on gelling agents must be included on the menu (agar, gelatin).

8- Factors lead to see doctor

  • Challenges with job selection.
  • A lack of funds to acquire high-quality helpful items.
  • Ordinary human laziness or carelessness.

All these factors contribute to the need to see a doctor at some point. With regard to back pain, this often occurs when the degenerative process in the spine has already begun. This makes it difficult to completely restore the health of this vital organ.

9- Consult physiotherapists as soon as you can For vertebrogenic low back pain

Yes, treating spinal illnesses is not straightforward, and getting started as soon as possible is crucial to restoring its performance. As a result, at the first symptom of illness, a physiotherapist should be consulted (rapid fatigue and discomfort in the back). But, even if the prognosis for the disease’s treatment is not promising, there is no reason to give up; one must fight for one’s health.

Forecast For vertebrogenic low back pain

The prognosis for lumbar spine therapy is mostly determined by the underlying condition. In addition to the recommended treatment methods and means, and the patient’s compliance with the doctor’s instructions.

Pain in the waist can almost always be relieved in some way, and often very quickly. But there is still a long way to go to recovery or repeated treatment to prevent the condition from worsening in the future.

Vertebogenic low back pain and the army

Now, let’s talk about future conscripts. Discomfort in the lower back is not a sufficient basis for an exemption from military service in and of itself. Especially when there are several ways to relieve the pain condition.

So what does a military recruit do when he feels pain?

He will most likely be given leave from service to allow appropriate treatment. If a recruit suffers from diseases of the spine that cause:

  • Discomfort in the lower back.
  • Violation of tissue sensitivity.
  • Restriction of movement.
When are military recruits exempted from service in case of vertebrogenic low back pain?

Another point to consider is a recurring condition that causes back discomfort on a regular basis. For service release, a physician must receive multiple recorded complaints about back discomfort.

Eligible for medical reservation when it comes to intervertebral disc disorders are:

  • People with three or more vertebrae
  • Individuals with pain syndrome and associated symptoms

It turns out that a diagnosis of a spinal condition that leads to the development of spinal low back pain is not enough to avoid conscription. We also want records (medical cards) to check for frequent doctor visits for pain syndrome. In addition to the treatment history and efficacy. That is, it is a persistent recurring low back ache that might increase as a result of military duty.


Vertebrogenic low back pain is a symptom complex that can be caused by a variety of spinal disorders. Its symptoms can be excruciatingly painful, making it difficult to live a regular life. That is why it is preferable to treat pre-existing disorders before the pain syndrome develops, rather than waiting until the pain becomes unbearable.


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