low caloric density foods, low caloric foods, caloric density

Low Caloric Density Foods For Bariatric Patients – Fitoont

Low caloric density foods is a very important concept to understand if you want to follow a diet aftrr Bariatric surgery that makes you maintaining weight loss.

If we want to give a precise definition, we can say that the caloric density indicates the concentration of the caloric nutrients found in a given food. By nutritional principles we mean fats, sugars and proteins.

It is good to keep in mind that there are foods with a high calorie density and other foods with a low calorie density.

Science supports the relationship between calorie density and body weight: Consuming low calorie density foods seems to be an effective strategy for losing more weight after bariatric surgery. In fact, people tend to eat large quantities of food,

Let’s tackle this interesting topic in more detail by rattling off some issues that can help you better understand the concept of calorie density and its importance. Here we present the calorie density:

What is calorie density?

The caloric density of a food is defined as the amount of energy usually expressed in calories, for one gram of that particular food. Knowing the calorie density is important if you want to follow a healthy and balanced diet.

Knowing which elements are being introduced and what their caloric density is allows you to control your appetite after weight loss surgery.  Also, it maintains and promotes the weight loss process.

To help you better understand this concept, let’s tell you right away that foods are divided into two categories:

The least caloric foods are generally those with a higher water content such as fruits and vegetables. Whole Foods like pasta or rice also have a low calorie density.

But how is calorie density calculated?

Calculating the caloric density of a food is quite simple. You just need to know the weight of a portion of a given food expressed in grams and the calories of that portion. Caloric density equals calories per serving divided by weight in grams.

We know this formula can be quite difficult to understand, but fear not, we are here to help you understand better. First of all we tell you that there is a density table thanks to which you can easily and by yourself realize the energy density of food.

Through these tricks you will see that doing a healthy shopping and eating well will be extremely simple! Returning to the density table, it is necessary to distinguish between:

1- Foods with very low caloric density

These are those foods with less than 0.6 calories / grams

2- Low calorie foods

They are those low-calorie foods with a calorie density between 0.6 and 1.5 calories / grams

3- Medium-calorie foods

These are foods with a calorie density between 1.5 and 4 calories / grams

4- Foods with a high calorie density

Let’s talk about those foods where the calorie density is over 4 calories / grams

As you may have understood, low calorie foods are the ones that will help you maintaining weight loss after bariatric surgery easily.

There are several low-calorie foods that satiate and that you can easily introduce into your food routine. For example, fennel which is among the foods with the lowest calories.

Just think that half a kilo of fennel provides only 50 kcal!

If you pay attention to the nutritional density you will see that you will be able to easily reach the sense of satiety and lose weight quickly.

Vegetables and fruit, especially the less sugary ones (apples, pears, cherries, strawberries, kiwis) certainly fall into the category of satiating low-caloric foods and therefore low caloric density foods.

The aqueous fruit has low caloric density foods and contains a lot of fiber, unlike dried fruit which contains high amounts of fats and trace elements.

Low-fat Greek yogurt, white, with no added sugar, an excellent source of protein (highly satiating), is a food with a low caloric density.

Clearly we must not demonize foods with proteins, fats and sugars, but simply we must limit their consumption especially after bariatric surgery.

We must also take into account the caloric (or energy) density of foods and not just look at the calories and micronutrients to optimize your diet.

The advice is to always follow a balanced diet before and after weight loss surgery in which to introduce all the micro and micronutrients necessary to satisfy one’s nutritional needs.

How does calorie density affect weight?

Knowing the low caloric density foods will surely help you maintaining weight loss after bariatric surgery healthily.

Scientists agree that there is a systematic relationship between energy density and body weight. Consuming low caloric density foods has proved to be a winning strategy for weight loss.

If you introduce low-calorie foods that satiate into your diet, you will not only reduce your daily calorie intake, but also cleanse your body of unnecessary waste and toxins, undoubtedly promoting weight loss.

A study conducted by Hawaiian researchers looked at a group of patients aged between 21 and 45 who ate a 3,000-calorie diet.

These patients were given a nutrition plan in which high-calorie foods were replaced with low-calorie foods such as fruits, vegetables and tubers.

From the second day of the diet, the patients experienced an immediate sense of satiety and after 21 days, all registered a weight loss of 8 kg, also significantly improving blood sugar levels and reducing high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

This experiment has shown that knowing the energy density of foods and replacing foods with a high calorie density with those with a low caloric density foods not only allows you to lose weight, but also improve health and consequently the quality of life.

Consuming high-calorie foods is not good at all. Their energy surplus can generate harmful consequences for your body and in particular:

  • Cause addiction to junk food
  • Increase your appetite
  • Cause type 2 diabetes
  • Develop the risk of stroke and heart attack
  • Generating obesity and overweight

If you are following a calorie restricted diet but are not getting the desired results, something is most likely not working right. Don’t get down on yourself! Always contact a nutritionist or an expert in the sector who will be able to indicate the most suitable meal plan for you.

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The low caloric density foods can improve health

Following a low calorie diet by introducing foods with a high calorie density instead of those with a low calorie density can certainly have a decisive and beneficial impact on your health.

Opting for a correct and balanced diet through the introduction of satiating low-calorie foods allows you to cleanse your intestine of waste and toxins that are harmful to your body.

Replacing foods with a high calorie density with those with a low caloric density foods will help you not only to reduce overweight. But also indirectly prevent the onset of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, definitely improving the quality of life.

Eating well not only allows you to stay in perfect physical shape, but also to protect your health.

A balanced diet is able, for example, to:

  • Reduce bad high cholesterol (LDL)
  • Increase good cholesterol
  • Reduce triglycerides
  • Keep your blood sugar under control
  • Keep blood pressure constant
  • Monitor systemic inflammation parameters
  • Lose weight

A study conducted in Wisconsin on some macaques showed that these animals subjected to a low-calorie diet that included the introduction of low-calorie foods lived on average 28 years, far exceeding the average life expectancy that in these primates generally it is around 15 years old.

Low caloric density foods for bariatric surgery

There is no doubt: if you want to lose weight after bariatric surgery, the low-calorie diet is the solution for you.

Following a low-calorie diet does not simply mean simply eating less, but it means making informed and thoughtful nutritional choices.

If you intend to lose weight, but also preserve your health. Then paying attention to the low caloric density foods can definitely help you in your goal.

As we have already shown you before, foods are divided into two categories:

  • Foods with a high calorie density.
  • Foods with a low calorie density.

Low caloric density foods are those that have a higher water content and a lower fat content.

Low caloric density foods list after 2 months of bariatric surgery includes:

low Caloric Density Foods

  • Raw vegetables
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Broths
  • Soups
  • fresh fruit
  • Cereals
  • Legumes
  • Herbal teas
  • Egg
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Tofu
  • Seitan

Another food with a very low caloric density is represented by hot herbal teas, perhaps sweetened with stevia leaves or with a little rice malt. Bringing a thermos to work with a good herbal tea, based for example on ginger and lemon (after 2 months of bariatric surgery). Or with berries, is a simple and effective way to enjoy the benefits of the infused plants and at the same time dab any signs of hunger.

Clearly, if you decide to follow a low-calorie diet and replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones, you absolutely must not give up on good proteins, fats and sugars.

A balanced diet for weight loss surgery is one drawn up by a nutritionist or nutrition expert who introduces all the micro and micronutrients necessary for your nutritional needs, taking into consideration various factors such as age, gender and size.

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High calorie dense foods to limit after bariatric surgery

While there are low caloric density foods that are excellent allies in promoting weight loss. On the other hand, we must not forget the presence of foods with a high calorie density.

The latter are the ones to avoid or otherwise limit if you want to follow a low-calorie diet to lose weight.

But what are the high-calorie foods that we need to be careful of?

Here is the list:

  • Desserts
  • Chocolate
  • Fat creams
  • Ice creams
  • Sodas
  • Cured meat
  • Jams
  • Chips
  • Butter
  • Cookies
  • Breadsticks
  • Snacks
  • Honey
  • Dried fruit
  • Oil seeds
  • Oil
  • Cheeses
  • Frying

In short, losing weight easily after surgery while staying healthy is possible. Just follow a balanced diet by replacing energy food with low caloric density foods and your body will thank you!


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